Minecraft Wiki

Ce module permet de gérer les modèles {{CoffreRécompenses}} et {{CoffreRécompensesObjet}}.

  • p.base() est la fonction qui permet de générer un tableau pour chaque coffre ;
  • p.base2() est la fonction qui permet de générer un tableau avec un ou plusieurs objets.

Voir les modèles respectifs pour plus d'information sur l'utilisation.

Les données utilisées par le module sont situées dans les tableaux du haut de la page.


Voir aussi : Module:CoffreRécompenses/objets et Module:CoffreRécompenses/coffres
[voir | modifier | historique | purger]La documentation ci-dessus est insérée depuis Module:CoffreRécompenses/doc.
local p = {

	calc_average_amount_this_item_per_pool = function( 
			min_stacksize, max_stacksize,
			min_pool_rolls, max_pool_rolls, 
			item_weight, pool_total_item_weight )

		local avg_stacksize = ( min_stacksize + max_stacksize ) / 2
		local avg_rolls = ( min_pool_rolls + max_pool_rolls ) / 2
		return avg_stacksize * avg_rolls * item_weight / pool_total_item_weight
	calc_chance_any_of_this_item_per_pool = function( 
			min_pool_rolls, max_pool_rolls,
			item_weight, pool_total_item_weight )

		local avg_rolls = ( min_pool_rolls + max_pool_rolls ) / 2
		local relativeweight = item_weight / pool_total_item_weight
		return 1 - math.pow( 1 - relativeweight, avg_rolls )
	java = '[[Version Java]]\n',
	java_dev = '[[Version Java]]. À venir en [[1.17]]\n',
	bedrock = '[[Version Bedrock]]\n',
	bedrock_dev= '[[Version Bedrock]]. À venir en [[Version Bedrock 1.17|1.17]]\n',
	-- these define which sprite, label and link to use, in the table,
	-- and 'cannot_stack' and 'plural' dictate how to display the single-item summary
	-- mettre article="partitif" fait utiliser "du" ou "de la" devant l'objet
	-- il faut mettre genre="féminin" pour les objets au nom féminin
	-- NOTE: order in this list doesn't matter.

	items = {
		["arbalète"]              = { "objet" },
		["arbuste-mort"]          = { "bloc" },
        ["argile"]                = { "objet", link="Mouton cru" },
		["armure-cheval-diamant"] = { "objet", title="Armure en diamant pour cheval", link="Armure pour cheval", cannot_stack=true },
		["armure-cheval-fer"]     = { "objet", title="Armure en fer pour cheval", link="Armure pour cheval", cannot_stack=true },
		["armure-cheval-or"]      = { "objet", title="Armure en or pour cheval", link="Armure pour cheval", cannot_stack=true },
		["baies-sucrées"]         = { "objet" },
        ["bambou"]                = { "objet", link="Bambou" },
		["bâton"]                 = { "objet" },
		["blé"]                   = { "objet" },
	    ["bloc-fer"]              = { "bloc", title="Bloc de fer" },
		["bloc-neige"]            = { "bloc", title="Bloc de neige", link="Bloc de neige" },
		["bloc-or"]               = { "bloc", title="Bloc d'or" },
		["bloc-os"]               = { "bloc", title="Bloc d'os" },
        ["bœuf"]                  = { "objet", link="Bœuf cru" },
        ["bottes-cuir"]           = { "objet", title="Bottes en cuir", link="Armure", cannot_stack=true },
		["bottes-diamant"]        = { "objet", title="Bottes en diamant", link="Armure", cannot_stack=true },
		["bottes-fer"]            = { "objet", title="Bottes en fer", link="Armure", cannot_stack=true },
		["bottes-or"]             = { "objet", title="Bottes en or", link="Armure", cannot_stack=true },
		["boule-de-neige"]        = { "objet" },
		["boule-feu"]             = { "objet", title="Boule de feu" },
		["boussole"]              = { "objet" },
		["briquet"]               = { "objet", cannot_stack=true },
		["bûche-acacia"] = { "bloc", title="Bûche d'acacia", id='bûche-acacia', link="Bûche" },
		["bûche-acajou"]          = { "bloc", title="Bûche d'acajou", id='bûche-acajou', link="Bûche" },
		["bûche-bouleau"]         = { "bloc", title="Bûche de bouleau", id='bûche-bouleau', link="Bûche" },
		["bûche-chêne"]           = { "bloc", title="Bûche de chêne", id='bûche-chêne', link="Bûche" },
		["bûche-chêne-noir"]      = { "bloc", title="Bûche de chêne noir", id='bûche-chêne-noir', link="Bûche" },
		["bûche-chêne-seulement"] = { "bloc", title="Bûche de chêne", id='bûche-chêne', link="Bûche" },
		["bûche-sapin"]           = { "bloc", title="Bûche de sapin", id='bûche-sapin', link="Bûche" },
		["cactus"]                = { "bloc" },
        ["canne-pêche-enchantée"] = { "objet", id="canne-pêche", link="Canne à pêche", cannot_stack=true, note="enchantement-aléatoire" },
        ["carotte"]               = { "objet" },
		["carotte-dorée"]           = { "objet" },
        ["carte-trésor-enfoui"]   = { "objet", title="Carte d'exploration", link="Carte d'exploration" },
		["carte-vierge"]          = { "objet", title="Carte vierge", link="Carte (objet)" },
        ["casque-diamant"]        = { "objet", title="Casque en diamant", link="Armure", cannot_stack=true },
		["casque-fer"]            = { "objet", title="Casque en fer", link="Armure", cannot_stack=true },
        ["casque-or"]             = { "objet", title="Casque en or",link="Armure", cannot_stack=true },
		["chaîne"]                = { "bloc" },
		["chair-putréfiée"]       = { "objet" },
		["champignon-carmin"]     = { "bloc" },
        ["chapeau-cuir"]          = { "objet", title="Chapeau en cuir", link="Armure", cannot_stack=true },
		["charbon"]               = { "objet" },
		["cisailles"]             = { "objet" },
        ["citrouille"]            = { "bloc" },
		["cloche"]                = { "bloc" },
        ["cœur-de-la-mer"]        = { "objet", link="Cœur de la mer" },
		["coquelicot"]            = { "bloc" },
		["cotte-de-mailles"]	  = { "objet", title="Cotte de mailles", link="Armure", cannot_stack=true },
		["crème-magma"]           = { "objet", title="Crème de magma" },
		["cristaux-de-prismarine"]   = { "objet", title="Cristaux de prismarine" },
        ["crochet"]               = { "bloc" },
		["cuir"]                  = { "objet" },
		["débris-antiques"]       = { "bloc" },
		["diamant"]               = { "objet" },
		["disque-doré"]           = { "objet", title="Disque 13", link="Disque de musique", cannot_stack=true },
		["disque-pigstep"]        = { "objet", title="Disque Pigstep", link="Disque de musique", cannot_stack=true },
		["disque-vert"]           = { "objet", title="Disque cat", link="Disque de musique", cannot_stack=true },
		["émeraude"]              = { "objet" },
		["épée-diamant"]          = { "objet", title="Épée en diamant", link="Épée", cannot_stack=true },
		["épée-fer"]              = { "objet", title="Épée en fer", link="Épée", cannot_stack=true },
		["épée-or"]               = { "objet", title="Épée en or", link="Épée", cannot_stack=true },
		["étiquette"]             = { "objet" },
		["ficelle"]               = { "objet" },
        ["fiole-expérience"]      = { "objet", title="Fiole d'expérience" },
		["flèche"]                = { "objet" },
		["flèche-spectrale"]      = { "objet" },
		["fougère"]               = { "bloc" },
		["fourneau"]                  = { "bloc" },
		["fragments-netherite"]   = { "objet", title="Fragments de Netherite" },
		["glace-bleue"]           = { "bloc" },
		["graines-betterave"]     = { "objet", title="Graines de betterave", link="Graines de betterave" },
		["graines-blé"]           = { "objet", title="Graines de blé", link="Graines de blé" },
		["graines-citrouille"]    = { "objet", title="Graines de citrouille" },
		["graines-pastèque"]      = { "objet", title="Graines de pastèque" },
		["grande fougère"]        = { "bloc" },
		["hache-bois"]            = { "objet", title="Hache en bois", link="Hache", cannot_stack=true },
		["hache-pierre"]          = { "objet", title="Hache en pierre", link="Hache", cannot_stack=true },
		["hautes-herbes"]          = { "bloc" },
		["houe-bois"]             = { "objet", title="Houe en bois", link="Houe", cannot_stack=true },
		["houe-diamant"]          = { "objet", title="Houe en diamant", link="Houe", cannot_stack=true },
		["jambières-diamant"]     = { "objet", title="Jambières en diamant", link="Armure", cannot_stack=true },
		["jambières-fer"]         = { "objet", title="Jambières en fer", link="Armure", cannot_stack=true },
		["jambières-or"]          = { "objet", title="Jambières en or", link="Armure", cannot_stack=true },
		["laine-blanche"]         = { "bloc" },
		["laine-gris-clair"]      = { "bloc" },
		["laine-grise"]           = { "bloc" },
		["laine-marron"]          = { "bloc" },
		["laine-noire"]           = { "bloc" },
		["laisse"]                = { "objet", title="Laisse", link="Laisse" },
		["lapis-lazuli"]          = { "objet", title="Lapis-lazuli", link="lapis-lazuli"},
		["lingot-fer"]            = { "objet", title="Lingot de fer" },
		["lingot-netherite"]      = { "objet", title="Lingot de Netherite" },
		["lingot-or"]             = { "objet", title="Lingot d'or" },
		["livre"]                 = { "objet" },
		["livre-enchanté"]        = { "objet", cannot_stack=true, note="enchantement-niveau-30" },
		["livre-enchanté-agilité-âmes"]    = { "objet", id='livre-enchanté', title="Livre enchanté", link="Livre enchanté", cannot_stack=true, note="enchantement-aléatoire-agilité-âmes" },
		["livre-enchanté-alt"]    = { "objet", id='livre-enchanté', title="Livre enchanté", link="Livre enchanté", cannot_stack=true, note="enchantement-aléatoire" },
		["magnétite"]             = { "bloc" },
		["montre"]                = { "objet" },
        ["montre"]                = { "objet" },
		["morue-cuite"]           = { "objet", link="Poisson (nourriture)" },
		["motif-bannière-groin"]  = { "objet", id='motif-bannière', title="Motif de bannière Groin", link="Motif de bannière" },
        ["mouton-cru"]            = { "objet", link="Mouton cru" },
		["nylium-carmin"]         = { "bloc" },
		["obsidienne"]            = { "bloc" },
		["obsidienne-pleureuse"]  = { "bloc", title="Obsidienne pleureuse" },
		["œil-araignée"]          = { "objet", title="Œil d'araignée", link="Œil d'araignée" },
		["os"]                    = { "objet" },
		["pain"]                  = { "objet" },
		["pancarte-sapin"]        = { "objet", title="Pancarte en sapin", id='pancarte-sapin', link="Pancarte" },
        ["pantalon-cuir"]         = { "objet", title="Pantalon en cuir", link="Armure", cannot_stack=true },
		["papier"]                = { "objet" },
		["pelle-diamant"]         = { "objet", title="Pelle en diamant", link="Pelle", cannot_stack=true },
		["pelle-fer"]             = { "objet", title="Pelle en fer", link="Pelle", cannot_stack=true },
        ["pépite-fer"]            = { "objet", title="Pépite de fer" },
		["pépite-or"]             = { "objet", title="Pépite d'or" },
		["perle-ender"]           = { "objet", title="Perle de l'Ender" },
		["pierre-lumineuse"]      = { "bloc" },
		["pierre-taillée"]        = { "bloc" },
		["pioche-bois"]           = { "objet", title="Pioche en bois", link="Pioche", cannot_stack=true },
		["pioche-fer"]            = { "objet", title="Pioche en fer", link="Pioche", cannot_stack=true },
		["pioche-pierre"]         = { "objet", title="Pioche en pierre", link="Pioche", cannot_stack=true },
		["pissenlit"]             = { "bloc" },
		["planches-chêne"]        = { "bloc", title="Planche de chêne", link="Planches", },
		["plaque-pression-pondérée-légère"]      = { "bloc", title="Plaque de pression pondérée légère" },
		["plastron-diamant"]      = { "objet", title="Plastron en diamant", link="Armure", cannot_stack=true },
		["plastron-fer"]          = { "objet", title="Plastron en fer", link="Armure", cannot_stack=true },
		["plastron-or"]           = { "objet", title="Plastron en or", link="Armure", cannot_stack=true },
        ["plume"]                 = { "objet" },
        ["poche-encre"]     = { "objet", title="Poche d'encre"},
		["pomme"]                 = { "objet" },
        ["pomme-dorée"]           = { "objet", title="Pomme dorée", link="Pomme dorée" },
		["pomme-dorée-enchantée"] = { "objet", title="Pomme dorée enchantée", link="Pomme dorée" },
        ["pomme-terre"]           = { "objet", title="Pomme de terre" },
        ["pomme-terre-empoisonnée"]  = { "objet", title="Pomme de terre empoisonnée" },
        ["porc-cru"]              = { "objet", link="Porc cru" },
        ["porc-cuit"]              = { "objet", link="Porc cuit" },
		["pot-fleurs"]            = { "bloc", title="Pot de fleurs", link="Pot de fleurs" },
		["poudre-canon"]          = { "objet", title="Poudre à canon", article="partitif" },
		["pousse-acacia"]         = { "bloc", title="Pousse d'acacia", link="Pousse d'arbre" },
		["pousse-chêne"]          = { "bloc", title="Pousse de chêne", link="Pousse d'arbre" },
		["pousse-sapin"]          = { "bloc", title="Pousse de sapin", link="Pousse d'arbre" },
        ["quartz-nether"]         = { "objet", title="Quartz du Nether" },
		["racines-carmin"]        = { "bloc" },
		["rails"]                 = { "bloc" },
		["rails-déclencheurs"]    = { "bloc" },
		["rails-détecteurs"]      = { "bloc", title="Rails détecteurs" },
		["rails-propulsion"]      = { "bloc", title="Rails de propulsion" },
		["redstone"]              = { "objet" },
		["roche"]                 = { "bloc" },
		["roche-lisse"]           = { "bloc", link="Roche" },
		["roche-noire-dorée"]     = { "bloc", title="Roche noire dorée", link="Roche noire" },
		["sable"]                 = { "bloc" },
		["sable-âmes"]            = { "bloc", title="Sable des âmes" },
		["saumon-cru"]            = { "objet" },
		["saumon-cuit"]           = { "objet", link="Poisson (nourriture)" },
		["seau"]                  = { "objet" },
		["selle"]                 = { "objet", cannot_stack=true },
		["silex"]                 = { "objet" },
		["soupe-betterave"]       = { "objet", title="Soupe de betteraves", link="Soupe de betteraves" },
        ["soupe-suspecte"]        = { "objet", link="Soupe suspecte", note="soupe-suspecte" },
		["tarte-citrouille"]      = { "objet", title="Tarte à la citrouille" },
		["teinture-jaune"]        = { "objet" },
		["teinture-verte"]        = { "objet" },
		["tnt"]                   = { "bloc", title="TNT" },
		["torche"]                = { "bloc" },
		["tranche-pastèque-scintillante"] = { "objet", title="Tranche de pastèque scintillante" },
		["très-hautes-herbes"]    = { "bloc" },
        ["tunique-cuir"]          = { "objet", title="Tunique en cuir", link="Armure", cannot_stack=true },
		["verrues-du-nether"]     = { "objet", title="Verrues du Nether" },


		["bottes-diamant-enchantées"]             = { "objet", title="Bottes en diamant enchantées", id="bottes-diamant", link="Bottes en diamant", note="enchantement-niveau-20-39", cannot_stack=true },
		["plastron-diamant-enchanté"]             = { "objet", title="Plastron en diamant enchanté", id="plastron-diamant", link="Plastron en diamant", note="enchantement-niveau-20-39", cannot_stack=true },
		["casque-diamant-enchanté"]               = { "objet", title="Casque en diamant enchanté", id="casque-diamant", link="Casque en diamant", note="enchantement-niveau-20-39", cannot_stack=true },
		["jambières-diamant-enchantées"]          = { "objet", title="Jambières en diamant enchantées", id="jambières-diamant", link="Jambières en diamant", note="enchantement-niveau-20-39", cannot_stack=true },
		["pioche-diamant-enchantée"]              = { "objet", title="Pioche en diamant enchantée", id="pioche-diamant", link="Pioche en diamant", note="enchantement-niveau-20-39", cannot_stack=true },
		["pioche-diamant-enchantée-aléatoire"]    = { "objet", title="Pioche en diamant enchantée", id="pioche-diamant", link="Pioche en diamant", note="enchantement-aléatoire", cannot_stack=true },
		["pelle-diamant-enchantée"]               = { "objet", title="Pelle en diamant enchantée", id="pelle-diamant", link="Pelle en diamant", note="enchantement-niveau-20-39", cannot_stack=true },
		["épée-diamant-enchantée"]                = { "objet", title="Épée en diamant enchantée", id="épée-diamant", link="Épée en diamant", note="enchantement-niveau-20-39", cannot_stack=true },
		["bottes-fer-enchantées"]                 = { "objet", title="Bottes en fer enchantées", id="bottes-fer", link="Bottes en fer", note="enchantement-niveau-20-39", cannot_stack=true },
		["plastron-fer-enchanté"]                 = { "objet", title="Plastron en fer enchanté", id="plastron-fer", link="Plastron en fer", note="enchantement-niveau-20-39", cannot_stack=true },
		["casque-fer-enchanté"]                   = { "objet", title="Casque en fer enchanté", id="casque-fer", link="Casque en fer", note="enchantement-niveau-20-39", cannot_stack=true },
		["jambières-fer-enchantées"]              = { "objet", title="Jambières en fer enchantées", id="jambières-fer", link="Jambières en fer", note="enchantement-niveau-20-39", cannot_stack=true },
		["pioche-fer-enchantée"]                  = { "objet", title="Pioche en fer enchantée", id="pioche-fer", link="Pioche en fer", note="enchantement-niveau-20-39", cannot_stack=true },
		["pelle-fer-enchantée"]                   = { "objet", title="Pelle en fer enchantée", id="pelle-fer", link="Pelle en fer", note="enchantement-niveau-20-39", cannot_stack=true },
		["épée-fer-enchantée"]                    = { "objet", title="Épée en fer enchantée", id="épée-fer", link="Épée en fer", note="enchantement-niveau-20-39", cannot_stack=true },
		["bottes-or-enchantées"]                  = { "objet", title="Bottes en or enchantées", id="bottes-or", link="Bottes en or", note="enchantement-aléatoire", cannot_stack=true },
		["bottes-or-enchantées-agilité-âmes"]     = { "objet", title="Bottes en or enchantées avec agilité des âmes", id="bottes-or", link="Bottes en or", note="enchantement-aléatoire-agilité-âmes", cannot_stack=true },
		["plastron-or-enchanté"]                  = { "objet", title="Plastron en or enchanté", id="plastron-or", link="Plastron en or", note="enchantement-aléatoire", cannot_stack=true },
		["casque-or-enchanté"]                    = { "objet", title="Casque en or enchanté", id="casque-or", link="Casque en or", note="enchantement-aléatoire", cannot_stack=true },
		["jambières-or-enchantées"]               = { "objet", title="Jambières en or enchantées", id="jambières-or", link="Jambières en or", note="enchantement-aléatoire", cannot_stack=true },
		["hache-or-enchantée"]                    = { "objet", title="Hache en or enchantée", id="hache-or", link="Hache en or", note="enchantement-aléatoire", cannot_stack=true },
		["houe-or-enchantée"]                     = { "objet", title="Houe en or enchantée", id="houe-or", link="Houe en or", note="enchantement-aléatoire", cannot_stack=true },
		["pioche-or-enchantée"]                   = { "objet", title="Pioche en or enchantée", id="pioche-or", link="Pioche en or", note="enchantement-aléatoire", cannot_stack=true },
		["pelle-or-enchantée"]                    = { "objet", title="Pelle en or enchantées", id="pelle-or", link="Pelle en or", note="enchantement-aléatoire", cannot_stack=true },
		["épée-or-enchantée"]                    = { "objet", title="Épée en or enchantée", id="épée-or", link="Épée en or", note="enchantement-aléatoire", cannot_stack=true },
        ["chapeau-cuir-enchanté"]                 = { "objet", title="Chapeau en cuir enchanté", id="chapeau-cuir", link="Armure", note="enchantement-aléatoire", cannot_stack=true },
		["tunique-cuir-enchantée"]                = { "objet", title="Tunique en cuir enchantée", id="tunique-cuir", link="Armure", note="enchantement-aléatoire", cannot_stack=true }, 
		["pantalon-cuir-enchanté"]                = { "objet", title="Pantalon en cuir enchanté", id="pantalon-cuir", link="Armure", note="enchantement-aléatoire", cannot_stack=true },
		["bottes-cuir-enchantées"]                = { "objet", title="Bottes en cuir enchantées", id="bottes-cuir", link="Armure", note="enchantement-aléatoire", cannot_stack=true },
		["chapeau-cuir-enchanté"]                 = { "objet", title="Chapeau en cuir enchanté", id="chapeau-cuir", link="Armure", note="enchantement-aléatoire", cannot_stack=true },
		["tunique-cuir-enchantée"]                = { "objet", title="Tunique en cuir enchantée", id="tunique-cuir", link="Armure", note="enchantement-aléatoire", cannot_stack=true }, 
		["pantalon-cuir-enchanté"]                = { "objet", title="Pantalon en cuir enchanté", id="pantalon-cuir", link="Armure", note="enchantement-aléatoire", cannot_stack=true },
		["bottes-cuir-enchantées"]                = { "objet", title="Bottes en cuir enchantées", id="bottes-cuir", link="Armure", note="enchantement-aléatoire", cannot_stack=true },
		["arbalète-enchantée-endommagée"]	      = { "objet", title="Arbalète enchantée endommagée", id="arbalète", link="Arbalète", note="enchantement-aléatoire", note1="endommagé-0.1-0.5", cannot_stack=true },
		["arbalète-enchantée-endommagée-2"]	      = { "objet", title="Arbalète enchantée endommagée", id="arbalète", link="Arbalète", note="enchantement-aléatoire", note1="endommagé-0.1-0.9", cannot_stack=true },
		["épée-fer-enchantée-endommagée"]      = { "objet", title="Épée en fer enchantée endommagée", id="épée-fer", link="Épée", note="enchantement-aléatoire", note="endommagé-0.8-1.0", cannot_stack=true },
		["bottes-diamant-enchantées-endommagées"]      = { "objet", title="Bottes en diamant enchantées endommagées", id="bottes-diamant", link="Bottes", note="enchantement-aléatoire", note1="endommagé-0.8-1.0", cannot_stack=true },
		["plastron-diamant-enchanté-endommagé"] = { "objet", title="Plastron en diamant enchanté endommagé", id="plastron-diamant", link="Plastron", note="enchantement-aléatoire", note1="endommagé-0.8-1.0", cannot_stack=true },
		["casque-diamant-enchanté-endommagé"]     = { "objet", title="Casque en diamant enchanté endommagé", id="casque-diamant", link="Casque", note="enchantement-aléatoire", note1="endommagé-0.8-1.0", cannot_stack=true },
		["jambières-diamant-enchantées-endommagées"]   = { "objet", title="Jambières en diamant enchantées endommagées", id="jambières-diamant", link="Jambières", note="enchantement-aléatoire", note1="endommagé-0.8-1.0", cannot_stack=true },
		["pelle-diamant-enchantée-endommagée"]     = { "objet", title="Pelle en diamant enchantée endommagée", id="pelle-diamant", link="Pelle", note="enchantement-aléatoire", note1="endommagé-0.15-0.8", cannot_stack=true },
		["épée-diamant-enchantée-endommagée"]      = { "objet", title="Épée en diamant enchantée endommagée", id="épée-diamant", link="Épée", note="enchantement-aléatoire", note="endommagé-0.8-1.0", cannot_stack=true },
		["pioche-diamant-enchantée-endommagée"]      = { "objet", title="Pioche en diamant enchantée endommagée", id="pioche-diamant", link="Pioche", note="enchantement-aléatoire", note="endommagé-0.15-0.95", cannot_stack=true },
		["bottes-diamant-endommagées"]      = { "objet", title="Bottes en diamant endommagées", id="bottes-diamant", link="Bottes", note="endommagé-0.2-0.65", cannot_stack=true },
		["plastron-diamant-endommagé"] = { "objet", title="Plastron en diamant endommagé", id="plastron-diamant", link="Plastron", note="endommagé-0.2-0.65", cannot_stack=true },
		["casque-diamant-endommagé"]     = { "objet", title="Casque en diamant endommagé", id="casque-diamant", link="Casque", note="endommagé-0.2-0.65", cannot_stack=true },
		["jambières-diamant-endommagées"]   = { "objet", title="Jambières en diamant endommagées", id="jambières-diamant", link="Jambières", note="endommagé-0.2-0.65", cannot_stack=true },
		["épée-diamant-endommagée"]      = { "objet", title="Épée en diamant endommagée", id="épée-diamant", link="Épée", note="endommagé-0.2-0.65", cannot_stack=true },
		["vide"]                  = { "bloc", id="air", link='', title="Rien", note="rien" },

	notes = {
		["enchantement-aléatoire"] = "La probabilité de tous les enchantements et niveaux d'enchantement est égale, ''y compris'' les enchantements de type Trésor (sauf [[Agilité des âmes]]).",
		["enchantement-aléatoire-agilité-âmes"] = "Enchanté avec un niveau aléatoire d'[[Agilité des âmes]].",
		["enchantement-niveau-5-15"] = "La probabilité de tous les enchantements (sauf [[Agilité des âmes]]) est la même que pour une utilisation d'une [[table d'enchantement]] pour un niveau compris entre 5 et 15, mais la probabilité des enchantements multiples n'est pas réduite.",
		["enchantement-niveau-5-20"] = "La probabilité de tous les enchantements (sauf [[Agilité des âmes]]) est la même que pour une utilisation d'une [[table d'enchantement]] pour un niveau compris entre 5 et 20, mais la probabilité des enchantements multiples n'est pas réduite.",
		["enchantement-niveau-20-25"] = "La probabilité de tous les enchantements (sauf [[Agilité des âmes]]) est la même que pour une utilisation d'une [[table d'enchantement]] pour un niveau compris entre 20 et 25, mais la probabilité des enchantements multiples n'est pas réduite.",
		["enchantement-niveau-20-39"] = "La probabilité de tous les enchantements (sauf [[Agilité des âmes]]) est la même que pour une utilisation d'une [[table d'enchantement]] pour un niveau compris entre 20 et 39, mais la probabilité des enchantements multiples n'est pas réduite.",
		["enchantement-niveau-30"] = "La probabilité de tous les enchantements (sauf [[Agilité des âmes]]) est la même que pour une utilisation d'une [[table d'enchantement]] de niveau 30, mais la probabilité des enchantements multiples n'est pas réduite.",
		["livre-aléatoire"] = "Tous les enchantements et tous les niveaux d'enchantement ont la même probabilité.",
		["endommagé-0.05-0.15"] = "L'objet aura entre 5 % et 15 % de sa durabilité totale.",
		["endommagé-0.1-0.5"] = "L'objet aura entre 10 % et 50 % de sa durabilité totale.",
		["endommagé-0.1-0.9"] = "L'objet aura entre 10 % et 90 % de sa durabilité totale.",
		["endommagé-0.1-0.95"] = "L'objet aura entre 10 % et 95 % de sa durabilité totale.",
		["endommagé-0.15-0.45"] = "L'objet aura entre 15 % et 45 % de sa durabilité totale.",
	    ["endommagé-0.15-0.8"] = "L'objet aura entre 15 % et 80 % de sa durabilité totale.",
		["endommagé-0.15-0.85"] = "L'objet aura entre 15 % et 85 % de sa durabilité totale.",
		["endommagé-0.15-0.95"] = "L'objet aura entre 15 % et 95 % de sa durabilité totale.",
		["endommagé-0.2-0.65"] = "L'objet aura entre 20 % et 64 % de sa durabilité totale.",
		["endommagé-0.8-1.0"] = "L'objet aura entre 80 % et 100 % de sa durabilité totale.",
		["rien"] = "'Rien' ne fait pas référence à la chance d'avoir un coffre vide. Il fait plutôt référence à la chance que le générateur de butin aléatoire n'ajoute aucun butin ''sur un seul jet .",
		["soupe-suspecte"] = "La soupe confère l'un des effets suivants : 5 à 7 secondes de [[Cécité]], 7 à 10 secondes de [[Sauts améliorés]], 7 à 10 secondes de [[Nyctalopie]], 10 à 20 secondes de [[Poison]], 7 à 10 secondes de [[Saturation]] ou 6 à 8 secondes de [[Faiblesse]].",
	-- NOTE: order here doesn't matter.  
	--		 * in the table, chests will sort in alphabetical order
	--       * in the table, items will sort by chance, then by avg#, then alphabetically.
	--       * If poolsDev is omitted, pools will be used. To omit a pool entirely in the dev version, set poolsDev = {}.
	chests = {
         ["avant-poste-de-pillards"] = { -- pillager_outpost.json
			header = "Avant-poste de pillards",
			link   = "[[Avant-poste de pillards]]",
			structure = "Avant-poste de pillards",
			conteneur = "Coffre des pillards",
			structID = "avant-poste-de-pillards",
			poolsDev = {},
			pools = {			
					rolls = {0,1},
					items = {
						["arbalète"]             = {1,1,1},
					rolls = {2,3},
					items = {
						["blé"]                = {3,5,7},
						["pomme-terre"]               = {2,5,5},
						["carotte"]               = {3,5,5}
					rolls = {1,3},
					items = {
						["bûche-chêne-noir"]         = {2,3,1}
					rolls = {2,3},
					items = {
						["fiole-expérience"] = {1,1,7},
						["fil"]               = {1,6,4},
						["flèche"]                = {2,7,4},
						["crochet"]        = {1,3,3},
						["lingot-fer"]           = {1,3,3},
						["livre-enchanté-alt"]   = {1,1,1}
     	["carte-d'épave-de-navire"] = { -- shipwreck_map.json
			header = "Coffre à carte",
			superheader = "[[Épave de navire]]",
			link   = "carte d'[[épave de navire]]",
			structure = "Épave de navire",
			conteneur = "Coffre à carte",
			structID = "épave-navire",
			pools = {
					rolls = {1,1},
					items = {
                        ["carte-trésor-enfoui"] = {1,1,1},
					rolls = {3,3},
					items = {
						["boussole"]             = {1,1,1},
						["carte-vierge"]           = {1,1,1},
						["montre"]               = {1,1,1},
						["papier"]               = {1,10,20},
						["plume"]             = {1,5,10},
						["livre"]                = {1,5,5},
			poolsDev = {}
		["réserve-d'épave-de-navire"] = { -- shipwreck_supply.json
			header = "Réserve",
			superheader = "[[\Épave de navire]]",
			link   = "réserve d'[[épave de navire]]",
			structure = "Épave de navire",
			conteneur = "Coffre de la réserve",
			structID = "épave-navire",
			poolsDev = {},
			pools = {
					rolls = {3,10},
					items = {
						["papier"]              = {1,12,8},
						['pomme-terre']         = {2,6,7},
						['pomme-terre-empoisonnée']  = {2,6,7},
						["soupe-suspecte"]     = {1,1,10},
						["carotte"]              = {4,8,7},
						["blé"]               = {8,21,7},
						["bambou"]               = {1,3,2},
						["charbon"]                = {2,8,6},
						["chair-putréfiée"]        = {5,24,5},
						["citrouille"]             = {1,3,2},
						["poudre-canon"]            = {1,5,3},
						["tnt"]                 = {1,2,1},
						["chapeau-cuir-enchanté"]         = {1,1,3},
						["tunique-cuir-enchantée"]       = {1,1,3},
						["pantalon-cuir-enchanté"]       = {1,1,3},
						["bottes-cuir-enchantées"]     = {1,1,3},
		["trésor-d'épave-de-navire"] = { -- shipwreck_treasure.json
			header = "Trésor",
			superheader = "[[Épave de navire]]",
			link   = "trésor d'[[épave de navire]]",
			structure = "Épave de navire",
			conteneur = "Coffre du trésor",
			structID = "épave-navire",
			pools = {
					rolls = {3,6},
					items = {
						["lingot-fer"]          = {1,5,90},
						["lingot-or"]          = {1,5,10},
						["emeraude"]             = {1,5,40},
						["diamant"]             = {1,1,5},
						['fiole-expérience']  = {1,1,5},
					rolls = {2,5},
					items = {
						["pépite-fer"]          = {1,10,50},
						["pépite-or"]           = {1,10,10},
						["lapis-lazuli"]        = {1,10,20},
			poolsDev = {}
		["trésor-enfoui"] = { -- buried_treasure.json
			header = "Trésor enfoui",
			link   = "[[trésor enfoui]]",
			structure = "Trésor enfoui",
			conteneur = "Coffre au trésor",
			structID = "trésor-enfoui",
			pools = {
					rolls = {1,1},
					items = {
						["cœur-de-la-mer"]          = {1,1,1},
					rolls = {5,8},
					items = {
						["lingot-fer"]          = {1,4,20},
						["lingot-or"]           = {1,4,10},
						["tnt"]                 = {1,2,5},
					rolls = {1,3},
					items = {
						["émeraude"]            = {4,8,5},
						["diamant"]             = {1,2,5},
						["cristaux-de-prismarine"] = {1,5,5},
					rolls = {0,1},
					items = {
						["tunique-cuir"]        = {1,1,1},
						["épée-fer"]            = {1,1,1},
					rolls = {2,2},
					items = {
						["morue-cuite"]         = {2,4,1},
						["saumon-cuit"]         = {2,4,1},
			poolsDev = {}
         ["grande-ruine-sous-marine"] = { -- underwater_ruin_big.json
			header = "Grande",
			superheader = "[[Ruines sous-marines]]",
			link   = "grandes [[ruines sous-marines]]",
			structure = "Ruines sous-marines",
			conteneur = "Coffre de grande ruine",
			structID = "ruines-sous-marines",
			pools = {
					rolls = {2,8},
					items = {
						["charbon"]                = {1,4,10},
						["pépite-or"]         = {1,3,10},
						["émeraude"]             = {1,1,1},
						["blé"]               = {2,3,10},
					rolls = {1,1},
					items = {
						["pomme-dorée"]        = {1,1,1},
						["livre-enchanté"]      = {1,1,5},
						["tunique-cuir"]       = {1,1,1},
						["casque-or"]       = {1,1,1},
						["canne-pêche-enchantée"] = {1,1,5},
                        ["carte-trésor-enfoui"] = {1,1,10},
			poolsDev = {}
		["petite-ruine-sous-marine"] = { -- underwater_ruin_small.json
			header = "Petite",
			superheader = "[[Ruines sous-marines]]",
			link   = "petites [[ruines sous-marines]]",
			structure = "Ruines sous-marines",
			conteneur = "Coffre de petite ruine",
			structID = "ruines-sous-marines",
			pools = {
					rolls = {2,8},
					items = {
						["charbon"]                = {1,4,10},
						["hache-pierre"]          = {1,1,2},
						["chair-putréfiée"]        = {1,1,5},
						["émeraude"]             = {1,1,1},
						["blé"]               = {2,3,10},
					rolls = {1,1},
					items = {
						["tunique-cuir"]       = {1,1,1},
						["casque-or"]       = {1,1,1},
						["canne-pêche-enchantée"] = {1,1,5},
                        ["carte-trésor-enfoui"] = {1,1,5},
			poolsDev = {}
		["village-armurerie"] = { -- village\village_armorer.json
			header      = "Armurerie",
			superheader      = "[[Village]]",
			link        = "Armurerie de [[village]]",
			structure = "Village",
			conteneur = "Coffre de l'armurerie",
			structID = "village",
			poolsDev = {},
		    pools = {
					rolls = {1,5},
					items = {
						["lingot-fer"]     = {1,3,2},
						["pain"]          = {1,4,4},
						["casque-fer"]    = {1,1,1},
						["émeraude"]        = {1,1,1}
	    ["village-boucherie"] = { -- village\village_butcher.json
			header      = "Boucherie",
			superheader      = "[[Village]]",
			link        = "Boucherie de [[village]]",
			structure = "Village",
			conteneur = "Coffre de boucher",
			structID = "village",
			poolsDev = {},
		    pools = {
					rolls = {1,5},
					items = {
						["émeraude"]        = {1,1,1},
						["porc-cru"]   = {1,3,6},
						["blé"]          = {1,3,6},
						["bœuf"]           = {1,3,6},
						["mouton-cru"]     = {1,3,6},
						["charbon"]           = {1,3,3}
	    ["village-cartographe"] = { -- village\village_cartographer.json
			header      = "Cartographe",
			superheader      = "[[Village]]",
			link        = "Cartographe de [[village]]",
			structure = "Village",
			conteneur = "Coffre de cartographe",
			structID = "village",
			poolsDev = {},
		    pools = {
					rolls = {1,5},
					items = {
						["carte-vierge"]      = {1,3,10},
						["papier"]          = {1,5,15},
						["boussole"]        = {1,1,5},
						["pain"]          = {1,4,15},
						["pousse-chêne"]    = {1,2,5}
	    ["village-maçon"] = { -- village\village_mason.json
			header      = "Maçon",
			superheader      = "[[Village]]",
			link        = "Maçon de [[village]]",
			structure = "Village",
			conteneur = "Coffre de maçon",
			structID = "village",
			poolsDev = {},
		    pools = {
					rolls = {1,5},
					items = {
						["argile"]           = {1,3,1},
						["pot-fleurs"]     = {1,1,1},
						["roche"]          = {1,1,2},
						["pierre-taillée"]   = {1,1,2},
						["pain"]          = {1,4,4},
						["teinture-jaune"]     = {1,1,1},
						["roche-lisse"]   = {1,1,1},
						["émeraude"]        = {1,1,1}
	    ["village-bergerie"] = { -- village\village_shepherd.json
			header      = "Bergerie",
			superheader      = "[[Village]]",
			link        = "Bergerie de [[village]]",
			structure = "Village",
			conteneur = "Coffre de bergerie",
			structID = "village",
			poolsDev = {},
		    pools = {
					rolls = {1,5},
					items = {
						["laine-blanche"]      = {1,8,6},
						["laine-noire"]      = {1,3,3},
						["laine-grise"]       = {1,3,2},
						["laine-marron"]      = {1,3,2},
						["laine-gris-clair"] = {1,3,2},
						["émeraude"]         = {1,1,1},
						["cisailles"]          = {1,1,1},
						["blé"]           = {1,6,6}
	    ["village-tannerie"] = { -- village\village_tannery.json
			header      = "Tannerie",
			superheader      = "[[Village]]",
			link        = "Tannerie de [[village]]",
			structure = "Village",
			conteneur = "Coffre de tannerie",
			structID = "village",
			poolsDev = {},
		    pools = {
					rolls = {1,5},
					items = {
						["cuir"]         = {1,3,1},
						["tunique-cuir"]   = {1,1,2},
						["bottes-cuir"]   = {1,1,2},
						["chapeau-cuir"]     = {1,1,2},
						["pain"]           = {1,4,5},
						["pantalon-cuir"]   = {1,1,2},
						["selle"]          = {1,1,1},
						["émeraude"]         = {1,4,1}
	    ["village-temple"] = { -- village\village_temple.json
			header = "Temple",
			superheader = "[[Village]]",
			link   = "Temple de [[village]]",
			structure = "Village",
			conteneur = "Coffre de temple",
			structID = "village",
			poolsDev = {},
			pools = {
					rolls = {3,8},
					items = {
						["redstone"]        = {1,4,2},
						["pain"]            = {1,4,7},
						["chair-putréfiée"] = {1,4,7},
						["lapis-lazuli"]    = {1,4,1},
						["lingot-or"]       = {1,4,1},
						["émeraude"]        = {1,4,1}
     	["village-forgeron-outils"] = { -- village\village_toolsmith.json
			header = "Forgeron d'outils",
			superheader = "[[Village]]",
			link   = "Forgeron d'outils de [[village]]",
			structure = "Village",
			conteneur = "Coffre de forgeron d'outils",
			structID = "village",
			poolsDev = {},
			pools = {
					rolls = {3,8},
					items = {
						["diamant"]         = {1,3,1},
						["lingot-fer"]      = {1,5,5},
						["lingot-or"]       = {1,3,1},
						["pain"]            = {1,3,15},
						["pioche-fer"]      = {1,1,5},
						["charbon"]         = {1,3,1},
						["bâton"]           = {1,3,20},
						["pelle-fer"]       = {1,1,5}
	    ["village-forgeron-armes"] = { -- village\village_weaponsmith.json
			header      = "Forgeron d'armes",
			superheader      = "[[Village]]",
			link        = "Forgeron d'armes de [[village]]",
			structure = "Village",
			conteneur = "Coffre de forgeron d'armes",
			structID = "village",
			poolsDev = {},
		    pools = {
					rolls = {3,8},
					items = {
						["diamant"]             = {1,3,3},
						["lingot-fer"]          = {1,5,10},
						["lingot-or"]          = {1,3,5},
						["pain"]               = {1,3,15},
						["pomme"]               = {1,3,15},
						["pioche-fer"]        = {1,1,5},
						["épée-fer"]          = {1,1,5},
						["plastron-fer"]     = {1,1,5},
						["casque-fer"]         = {1,1,5},
						["jambières-fer"]       = {1,1,5},
						["bottes-fer"]          = {1,1,5},
						["obsidienne"]            = {3,7,5},
						["pousse-chêne"]         = {3,7,5},
						["armure-cheval-fer"]    = {1,1,1},
						["armure-cheval-or"]    = {1,1,1},
						["armure-cheval-diamant"] = {1,1,1},
						["selle"]              = {1,1,3}
	    ["village-désert"] = { -- village\village_desert_house.json
			header      = "Maison du désert",
			superheader      = "[[Village]]",
			link        = "Maison de [[village]] du désert",
			structure = "Village",
			conteneur = "Coffre de maison du désert",
			structID = "village",
			poolsDev = {},
		    pools = {
					rolls = {3,8},
					items = {
						["argile"]            = {1,1,1},
						["teinture-verte"]       = {1,1,1},
						["cactus"]          = {1,4,10},
						["blé"]           = {1,7,10},
						["pain"]           = {1,4,10},
						["livre"]            = {1,1,1},
						["arbuste-mort"]       = {1,3,2},
						["émeraude"]         = {1,3,1}
	    ["village-plaine"] = { -- village\village_plains_house.json
			header      = "Maison des plaines",
			superheader      = "[[Village]]",
			link        = "Maison de [[village]] des plaines",
			structure = "Village",
			conteneur = "Coffre de maison des plaines",
			structID = "village",
			poolsDev = {},
		    pools = {
					rolls = {3,8},
					items = {
						["pépite-or"]     = {1,3,1},
						["pissenlit"]       = {1,1,1},
						["coquelicot"]           = {1,1,1},
						["pomme-terre"]          = {1,7,10},
						["pain"]           = {1,4,10},
						["pomme"]           = {1,5,10},
						["émeraude"]         = {1,4,2},
						["pousse-chêne"]     = {1,2,5}
	    ["village-savane"] = { -- village\village_savanna_house.json
			header      = "Maison de la savane",
			superheader      = "[[Village]]",
			link        = "Maison de [[village]] de la savane",
			structure = "Village",
			conteneur = "Coffre de maison de la savane",
			structID = "village",
			poolsDev = {},
		    pools = {
					rolls = {3,8},
					items = {
						["pépite-or"]     = {1,3,1},
						["herbe"]           = {1,1,5},
						["hautes-herbes"]      = {1,1,5},
						["blé"]           = {1,4,10},
						["graines-blé"]     = {1,5,10},
						["émeraude"]         = {1,4,2},
						["pousse-acacia"]  = {1,2,10},
						["selle"]          = {1,1,1},
						["torche"]           = {1,2,1},
						["seau"]          = {1,1,1}
	    ["village-toundra"] = { -- village\village_snowy_house.json
			header      = "Maison de la toundra",
			superheader      = "[[Village]]",
			link        = "Maison de [[village]] de la toundra",
			structure = "Village",
			conteneur = "Coffre de maison de la toundra",
			structID = "village",
			poolsDev = {},
		    pools = {
					rolls = {3,8},
					items = {
						["glace-bleue"]        = {1,1,1},
						["bloc-neige"]      = {1,1,4},
						["pomme-terre"]          = {1,7,10},
						["pain"]           = {1,4,10},
						["graines-betterave"]  = {1,5,10},
						["soupe-betteraves"]   = {1,1,1},
						["fourneau"]         = {1,1,1},
						["émeraude"]         = {1,4,1},
						["boule-de-neige"]        = {1,7,10},
						["charbon"]            = {1,4,5}
	    ["village-taïga"] = { -- village\village_taiga_house.json
			header      = "Maison de la taïga",
			superheader      = "[[Village]]",
			link        = "Maison de [[village]] de la taïga",
			structure = "Village",
			conteneur = "Coffre de maison de la taïga",
			structID = "village",
			poolsDev = {},
		    pools = {
					rolls = {3,8},
					items = {
						["pépite-fer"]      = {1,5,1},
						["fougère"]            = {1,1,2},
						["grande-fougère"]      = {1,1,2},
						["pomme-terre"]     = {1,7,10},
						["baies-sucrées"]   = {1,7,5},
						["pain"]           = {1,4,10},
						["graines-citrouille"]   = {1,5,5},
						["tarte-citrouille"]     = {1,1,1},
						["émeraude"]         = {1,4,2},
						["pousse-sapin"]  = {1,5,5},
						["pancarte-sapin"]     = {1,1,1},
						["bûche-sapin"]      = {1,5,10}
	    ["village-maison-2-pièces"] = { -- village\village_two_room_house.json
			header      = "Maison 2 pièces",
			superheader      = "[[Village]]",
			link        = "Maison 2 pièces de [[village]]",
			structure = "Village",
			conteneur = "Coffre de maison 2 piéces",
			structID = "village",
			poolsDev = {},
		    pools = {
					rolls = {6,8},
					items = {
						["pomme-terre"]      = {5,8,10},
						["carotte"]      = {4,8,10},
						["blé"]       = {8,12,15},
						["graines-blé"] = {2,4,5},
						["betterave"]    = {5,8,5},
						["houe-bois"]  = {1,1,1}
		["autel-fort"] = {
			header      = "Autel",
			superheader = "[[Fort]]",
			link        = "autel de [[fort]]",
			structure = "Forts",
			conteneur = "Coffre de l'autel",
			structID = "fort",
			pools = {
					rolls = {2,3},
					items = {
						["diamant"]             = {1,3,3},
						["lingot-fer"]          = {1,5,10},
						["lingot-or"]          = {1,3,5},
						["pain"]               = {1,3,15},
						["pomme"]               = {1,3,15},
						["pioche-fer"]        = {1,1,5},
						["épée-fer"]          = {1,1,5},
						["plastron-fer"]     = {1,1,5},
						["casque-fer"]         = {1,1,5},
						["jambières-fer"]       = {1,1,5},
						["bottes-fer"]          = {1,1,5},
						["armure-cheval-fer"]    = {1,1,1},
						["armure-cheval-or"]    = {1,1,1},
						["armure-cheval-diamant"] = {1,1,1},
						["perle-ender"]         = {1,1,10},
						["redstone"]            = {4,9,5},
						["pomme-dorée"]        = {1,1,1},
						["selle"]              = {1,1,1},
						["livre-enchanté"]      = {1,1,1}
			poolsDev = {}
		["bibliothèque-fort"] = {
			header      = "Bibliothèque",
			superheader = "[[Fort]]",
			link        = "bibliothèque de [[fort]]",
			structure = "Forts",
			conteneur = "Coffre de bibliothèque",
			structID = "fort",
			pools = {
					rolls = {2,10},
					items = {
						["livre-enchanté"]      = {1,1,10},
						["livre"]               = {1,3,20},
						["papier"]              = {2,7,20},
						["carte-vierge"]        = {1,1,1},
						["boussole"]             = {1,1,1}
			poolsDev = {}
		["entrepôt-fort"] = {
			header      = "Entrepôt",
			superheader = "[[Fort]]",
			link        = "entrepôt de [[fort]]",
			structure = "Forts",
			conteneur = "Coffre d'entrepôt",
			structID = "fort",
			pools = {
					rolls = {1,4},
					items = {
						["lingot-fer"]          = {1,5,10},
						["lingot-or"]          = {1,3,5},
						["pain"]               = {1,3,15},
						["pomme"]               = {1,3,15},
						["pioche-fer"]        = {1,1,1},
						["redstone"]            = {4,9,5},
						["livre-enchanté"]      = {1,1,1},
						["charbon"]                = {3,8,10}
			poolsBedrock = {
					rolls = {1,4},
					items = {
						["poche-encre"]                = {1,3,75}
			poolsDev = {
					rolls = {1,4},
					items = {
		["bonus"] = {
			header      = "[[Coffre#Coffre bonus|Bonus]]",
			link        = "[[Coffre#Coffre bonus|bonus]]",
			structure = "Coffre bonus",
			conteneur = "Coffre bonus",
			structID = "jour",
			pools = {
					rolls = {1,1},
					items = {
						["hache-pierre"]        = {1,1,1},
						["hache-bois"]          = {1,1,3},
					rolls = {1,1},
					items = {
						["pioche-pierre"]       = {1,1,1},
						["pioche-bois"]         = {1,1,3}
					rolls = {3,3},
					items = {
						["pomme"]               = {1,2,5},
						["pain"]                = {1,2,3},
						["saumon-cru"]          = {1,2,3},
					rolls = {4,4},
					items = {
						["bâton"]               = {1,12,10},
						["planches-chêne"]         = {1,12,10},
						["bûche-chêne"]            = {1,3,3},
						["bûche-bouleau"]            = {1,3,3},
						["bûche-sapin"]            = {1,3,3},
						["bûche-acajou"]            = {1,3,3},
						["bûche-acacia"]         = {1,3,3},
						["bûche-chêne-noir"]            = {1,3,3},
			poolsDev = {
					rolls = {1,1},
					items = {
						["hache-pierre"]        = {1,1,1},
						["hache-bois"]          = {1,1,3},
		["donjon"] = {
			header      = "[[Donjon]]",
			link        = "[[donjon]]",
			structure = "Donjon",
			conteneur = "Coffre de donjon",
			structID = "donjon",
			pools = {
					rolls = {1,3},
					items = {
						["selle"]              = {1,1,20},
						["pomme-dorée"]        = {1,1,15},
						["pomme-dorée-enchantée"] = {1,1,2},
						["disque-doré"]             = {1,1,15},
						["disque-vert"]            = {1,1,15},
						["étiquette"]            = {1,1,20},
						["armure-cheval-or"]    = {1,1,10},
						["armure-cheval-fer"]    = {1,1,15},
						["armure-cheval-diamant"] = {1,1,5},
						["livre-enchanté-alt"]  = {1,1,10},
					rolls = {1,4},
					items = {
						["lingot-fer"]          = {1,4,10},
						["lingot-or"]           = {1,4,5},
						["pain"]                = {1,1,20},
						["blé"]                 = {1,4,20},
						["seau"]                = {1,1,10},
						["redstone"]            = {1,4,15},
						["charbon"]             = {1,4,15},
						["graines-pastèque"]    = {2,4,10},
						["graines-citrouille"]  = {2,4,10},
						["graines-betterave"]   = {2,4,10},
					rolls = {3,3},
					items = {
						["os"]                = {1,8,10},
						["poudre-canon"]           = {1,8,10},
						["chair-putréfiée"]        = {1,8,10},
						["ficelle"]              = {1,8,10},
			poolsDev = {}
		["puits-mine-abandonné"] = {
			chest_type = "wagonnet de stockage",
			header      = "[[Puits de mine abandonné]]",
			link        = "[[puits de mine abandonné]]s",
			structure = "Mine abandonnée",
			conteneur = "Wagonnet de stockage",
			structID = "puits-mine-abandonné",
			pools = {
					rolls = {1,1},
					items = {
						["pomme-dorée"]         = {1,1,20},
						["pomme-dorée-enchantée"] = {1,1,1},
						["étiquette"]           = {1,1,30},
						["livre-enchanté-alt"]  = {1,1,10},
						["pioche-fer"]          = {1,1,5},
						["vide"]				= {1,1,5},
					rolls = {2,4},
					items = {
						["lingot-fer"]          = {1,5,10},
						["lingot-or"]           = {1,3,5},
						["redstone"]            = {4,9,5},
						["lapis-lazuli"]        = {4,9,5},
						["diamant"]             = {1,2,3},
						["charbon"]             = {3,8,10},
						["pain"]                = {1,3,15},
						["graines-pastèque"]    = {2,4,10},
						["graines-citrouille"]  = {2,4,10},
						["graines-betterave"]   = {2,4,10},
					rolls = {3,3},
					items = {
						["rails"]                = {4,8,20},
						["rails-propulsion"]        = {1,4,5},
						["rails-détecteurs"]       = {1,4,5},
						["rails-déclencheurs"]      = {1,4,5},
						["torche"]               = {1,16,15},
			poolsDev = {}
		["forteresse-nether"] = {
			header      = "[[Forteresse du Nether|Forteresse]]<br>[[Forteresse du Nether|du Nether]]",
			link        = "[[forteresse du Nether]]",
			structure = "Forteresse du Nether",
			conteneur = "Coffre des allées",
			structID = "forteresse-nether",
			pools = {
					rolls = {2,4},
					items = {
						["diamant"]              = {1,3,5},
						["lingot-fer"]           = {1,5,5},
						["lingot-or"]            = {1,3,15},
						["épée-or"]              = {1,1,5},
						["plastron-or"]          = {1,1,5},
						["briquet"]              = {1,1,5},
						["verrues-du-nether"]        = {3,7,5},
						["selle"]                = {1,1,10},
						["armure-cheval-or"]     = {1,1,8},
						["armure-cheval-fer"]    = {1,1,5},
						["armure-cheval-diamant"] = {1,1,3},
						["obsidienne"]           = {2,4,2},
			poolsDev = {}
		["temple-désert"] = {
			header      = "Temple du [[Pyramide|désert]]",
			link        = "[[Pyramide|temple du désert]]",
			structure = "Temple du désert",
			conteneur = "Coffre de la crypte",
			structID = "pyramides",
			pools = {
					rolls = {2,4},
					items = {
						["diamant"]               = {1,3,5},
						["lingot-fer"]            = {1,5,15},
						["lingot-or"]             = {2,7,15},
						["émeraude"]              = {1,3,15},
						["os"]                    = {4,6,25},
						["œil-araignée"]          = {1,3,25},
						["chair-putréfiée"]       = {3,7,25},
						["selle"]                 = {1,1,20},
						["armure-cheval-fer"]     = {1,1,15},
						["armure-cheval-or"]      = {1,1,10},
						["armure-cheval-diamant"] = {1,1,5},
						["livre-enchanté"]        = {1,1,20},
						["pomme-dorée"]           = {1,1,20},
						["pomme-dorée-enchantée"] = {1,1,2},
						["vide"]                  = {1,1,15},
					rolls = {4,4},
					items = {
						["os"]                  = {1,8,10},
						["poudre-canon"]        = {1,8,10},
						["chair-putréfiée"]     = {1,8,10},
						["ficelle"]             = {1,8,10},
						["sable"]               = {1,8,10},
			poolsDev = {}
		["temple-jungle"] = {
			header      = "[[Temple de la jungle]]",
			link        = "[[temple de la jungle]]",
			structure = "Temple de la jungle",
			conteneur = "Coffre du temple",
			structID = "temple-jungle",
			poolsDev = {},
			pools = {
					rolls = {2,6},
					items = {
						["diamant"]             = {1,3,3},
						["lingot-fer"]          = {1,5,10},
						["lingot-or"]          = {2,7,15},
						["émeraude"]             = {1,3,2},
						["armure-cheval-fer"]    = {1,1,1},
						["armure-cheval-or"]    = {1,1,1},
						["armure-cheval-diamant"] = {1,1,1},
						["bambou"]              = {1,3,15},
						["selle"]              = {1,1,3},
						["livre-enchanté-alt"]  = {1,1,1},
						["os"]                = {4,6,20},
						["chair-putréfiée"]        = {3,7,16}
		["distributeur-temple-jungle"] = { -- jungle_temple_dispenser.json
			chest_type = "distributeur",
			header      = "[[Temple de la jungle]]",
			link   = "[[temple de la jungle]]",
			structure = "Temple de la jungle",
			conteneur = "Distributeurs du temple",
			structID = "temple-jungle",
			pools = {
					rolls = {1,2},
					items = {
						["flèche"] = {2,7,30}
			poolsDev = {}
		["cité-end"] = {
			header      = "[[Cité de l'End]]",
			link        = "[[Cité de l'End]]",
			structure = "Cité de l'End",
			conteneur = "Coffre des cités",
			structID = "cité-end",
			pools = {
					rolls = {2,6},
					items = {
						["diamant"]             = {2,7,5},
						["lingot-fer"]          = {4,8,10},
						["lingot-or"]          = {2,7,15},
						["émeraude"]             = {2,6,2},
						["graines-betterave"]      = {1,10,5},
						["selle"]              = {1,1,3},
						["armure-cheval-fer"]    = {1,1,1},
						["armure-cheval-or"]    = {1,1,1},
						["armure-cheval-diamant"] = {1,1,1},
						["épée-diamant-enchantée"]      = {1,1,3},
						["bottes-diamant-enchantées"]      = {1,1,3},
						["plastron-diamant-enchanté"] = {1,1,3},
						["jambières-diamant-enchantées"]   = {1,1,3},
						["casque-diamant-enchanté"]     = {1,1,3},
						["pioche-diamant-enchantée"]    = {1,1,3},
						["pelle-diamant-enchantée"]     = {1,1,3},
						["épée-fer-enchantée"]         = {1,1,3},
						["bottes-fer-enchantées"]         = {1,1,3},
						["plastron-fer-enchanté"]    = {1,1,3},
						["jambières-fer-enchantées"]      = {1,1,3},
						["casque-fer-enchanté"]        = {1,1,3},
						["pioche-fer-enchantée"]       = {1,1,3},
						["pelle-fer-enchantée"]        = {1,1,3},
			poolsDev = {}
		["igloo"] = {
			header      = "[[Igloo]]",
			link        = "[[igloo]]",
			structure = "Igloo",
			conteneur = "Coffre de la cave",
			structID = "igloo",
			pools = {
					rolls = {2,8},
					items = {
						["pomme"]               = {1,3,15},
						["charbon"]             = {1,4,15},
						["pépite-or"]           = {1,3,10},
						["hache-pierre"]        = {1,1,2},
						["chair-putréfiée"]     = {1,1,10},
						["émeraude"]            = {1,1,1},
						["blé"]                 = {2,3,10}
					rolls = {1,1},
					items = {
						["pomme-dorée"]         = {1,1,1},
			poolsDev = {}
		["bastion-pont"] = { -- bastion_bridge.json
			header = "Pont",
			superheader = "[[Vestiges de bastion]]", 
			link = "[[Vestiges de bastion|Vestiges de bastion#Pont]]",
			structure = "Vestiges de bastion",
			conteneur = "Coffre de pont",
			structID = "vestiges-bastion",
			poolsDev = {},
			pools = {
					rolls = {1,1},
					items = {
						["magnétite"] = {1,1,1},
					rolls = {1,2},
					items = {
						["arbalète-enchantée-endommagée"] = {1,1,1},
						["flèche-spectrale"] = {10,28,1},
						["roche-noire-dorée"] = {8,12,1},
						["obsidienne-pleureuse"] = {3,8,1},
						["bloc-or"] = {1,1,1},
						["lingot-or"] = {4,9,1},
						["lingot-fer"] = {4,9,1},
						["golden-sword"] = {1,1,1},
						["bottes-or-enchantées"]         = {1,1,1},
						["plastron-or-enchanté"]    = {1,1,1},
						["jambières-or-enchantées"]      = {1,1,1},
						["casque-or-enchanté"]        = {1,1,1},
						["hache-or-enchantée"] = {1,1,1},
					rolls = {2,4},
					items = {
						["ficelle"] = {1,6,1},
						["cuir"] = {1,3,1},
						["flèche"] = {5,17,1},
						["pépite-fer"] = {2,6,1},
						["pépite-or"] = {2,6,1},
		["bastion-écuries-hoglin"] = { -- bastion_hoglin_stable.json
			header = "Écuries de hoglin",
			superheader = "[[Vestiges de bastion]]", 
			link = "[[Vestiges de bastion|Vestiges de bastion#Écuries de hoglin]]",
			structure = "Vestiges de bastion",
			conteneur = "Coffre d'écuries de hoglin",
			structID = "vestiges-bastion",
			poolsDev = {},
			pools = {
					rolls = {1,1},
					items = {
						["pelle-diamant-enchantée-endommagée"] = {1,1,15},
						["pioche-diamant-enchantée-endommagée"] = {1,1,12},
						["fragments-netherite"] = {1,1,8},
						["débris-antiques"] = {1,1,12},
						["débris-antiques"] = {2,2,5},
						["selle"] = {1,1,12},
						["bloc-or"] = {2,4,16},
						["carotte-dorée"] = {8,17,10},
						["pomme-dorée"] = {1,1,10},
					rolls = {3,4},
					items = {
						["hache-or-enchantée"] = {1,1,1},
						["obsidienne-pleureuse"] = {1,5,1},
						["pierre-lumineuse"] = {3,6,1},
						["roche-noire-dorée"] = {2,5,1},
						["sable-âmes"] = {2,7,1},
						["nylium-carmin"] = {2,7,1},
						["pépite-or"] = {2,8,1},
						["cuir"] = {1,3,1},
						["flèche"] = {5,17,1},
						["ficelle"] = {3,8,1},
						["porc-cru"] = {2,5,1},
						["porc-cuit"] = {2,5,1},
						["champignon-carmin"] = {2,7,1},
						["racines-carmin"] = {2,7,1},
		["bastion-autre"] = { -- bastion_other.json
			header = "[[Bastion]]",
			superheader = "[[Vestiges de bastion]]", 
			link = "[[Vestiges de bastion]]",
			structure = "Vestiges de bastion",
			conteneur = "Coffre divers",
			structID = "vestiges-bastion",
			poolsDev = {},
			pools = {
					rolls = {1,1},
					items = {
						["pioche-diamant-enchantée-aléatoire"] = {1,1,6},
						["pelle-diamant"] = {1,1,6},
						["arbalète-enchantée-endommagée-2"] = {1,1,6},
						["débris-antiques"] = {1,1,12},
						["fragments-netherite"] = {1,1,4},
						["flèche-spectrale"] = {10,22,10},
						["motif-bannière-groin"] = {1,1,9},
						["disque-pigstep"] = {1,1,5},
						["carotte-dorée"] = {6,17,12},
						["pomme-dorée"] = {1,1,9},
						["livre-enchanté-agilité-âmes"] = {1,1,10},
					rolls = {2,2},
					items = {
						["épée-fer-enchantée-endommagée"] = {1,1,2},
						["bloc-fer"] = {1,1,2},
						["bottes-or-enchantées-agilité-âmes"] = {1,1,1},
						["hache-or-enchantée"] = {1,1,1},
						["bloc-or"] = {1,1,2},
						["arbalète"] = {1,1,1},
						["lingot-or"] = {1,6,2},
						["lingot-fer"] = {1,6,2},
						["épée-or"] = {1,1,1},
						["plastron-or"] = {1,1,1},
						["casque-or"] = {1,1,1},
						["jambières-or"] = {1,1,1},
						["bottes-or"] = {1,1,1},
						["obsidienne-pleureuse"] = {1,5,2},
					rolls = {3,4},
					items = {
						["roche-noire-dorée"] = {1,5,2},
						["chaîne"] = {2,10,1},
						["crème-magma"] = {2,6,2},
						["bloc-os"] = {3,6,1},
						["pépite-fer"] = {2,8,1},
						["obsidienne"] = {4,6,1},
						["pépite-or"] = {2,8,1},
						["ficelle"] = {4,6,1},
						["flèche"] = {5,17,2},
						["porc-cuit"] = {1,1,1},
		["bastion-trésor"] = { -- bastion_treasure.json
		    header = "Salle au trésor",
			superheader = "[[Vestiges de bastion]]", 
			link = "[[Vestiges de bastion|Vestiges de bastion#Salle au trésor]]",
			structure = "Vestiges de bastion",
			conteneur = "Coffre de salle au trésor",
			structID = "vestiges-bastion",
			poolsDev = {},
			pools = {
					rolls = {3,3},
					items = {
						["lingot-netherite"] = {1,1,15},
						["débris-antiques"] = {1,1,10},
						["fragments-netherite"] = {1,1,8},
						["débris-antiques"] = {2,2,4},
						["épée-diamant-enchantée-endommagée"] = {1,1,6},
						["plastron-diamant-enchanté-endommagé"] = {1,1,6},
						["casque-diamant-enchanté-endommagé"] = {1,1,6},
						["jambières-diamant-enchantées-endommagées"] = {1,1,6},
						["bottes-diamant-enchantées-endommagées"] = {1,1,6},
						["épée-diamant"] = {1,1,6}, 
						["plastron-diamant"] = {1,1,5},
						["casque-diamant"] = {1,1,5},
						["jambières-diamant"] = {1,1,5},
						["bottes-diamant"] = {1,1,5},
						["diamant"] = {2,6,5},
						["pomme-dorée-enchantée"] = {1,1,2},
					rolls = {3,4},
					items = {
						["flèche-spectrale"] = {12,25,1},
						["bloc-or"] = {2,5,1},
						["bloc-fer"] = {2,5,1},
						["lingot-or"] = {3,9,1},
						["lingot-fer"] = {3,9,1},
						["obsidienne-pleureuse"] = {3,5,1},
						["quartz-nether"] = {8,23,1},
						["roche-noire-dorée"] = {5,15,1},
						["crème-magma"] = {3,8,1},
		["portail-ruine"] = { --ruined_portal.json
			header = "[[Portail en ruine]]",
			link   = "[[Portail en ruine]]",
			structure = "Portail en ruine",
			conteneur = "Coffre du portail",
			structID = "portail-ruine",
			pools = {
					rolls = {4,8},
					items = {
						["obsidienne"] = {1,2,40},
						["silex"] = {1,4,40},
						["pépite-fer"] = {9,18,40},
						["briquet"] = {1,1,40},
						["boule-feu"] = {1,1,40},
						["pomme-dorée"] = {1,1,40},
						["pépite-or"] = {4,24,15},
						["épée-or-enchantée"] = {1,1,15},
						["hache-or-enchantée"] = {1,1,15},
						["houe-or-enchantée"] = {1,1,15},
						["pioche-or-enchantée"] = {1,1,15},
						["pelle-or-enchantée"] = {1,1,15},
						["casque-or-enchanté"] = {1,1,15},
						["plastron-or-enchanté"] = {1,1,15},
						["jambières-or-enchantées"] = {1,1,15},
						["bottes-or-enchantées"] = {1,1,15},
						["tranche-pastèque-scintillante"] = {4,13,5},
						["armure-cheval-or"] = {1,1,5},
						["plaque-pression-pondérée-légère"] = {1,1,5},
						["carotte-dorée"] = {4,12,5},
						["montre"] = {1,1,5},
						["lingot-or"] = {2,8,5},
						["cloche"] = {1,1,1},
						["pomme-dorée-enchantée"] = {1,1,1},
						["bloc-or"] = {1,2,1},
			poolsDev = {}
		["manoir"] = { -- woodland_mansion.json
			header = "[[Manoir]]",
			link   = "[[manoir]]s",
			structure = "Manoir",
			conteneur = "Coffre du manoir",
			structID = "manoir",
			pools = {
					rolls = {1,3},
					items = {
						["laisse"]                 	= {1,1,20},
						["pomme-dorée"]            	= {1,1,15},
						["pomme-dorée-enchantée"]  	= {1,1,2},
						["disque-doré"]            	= {1,1,15},
						["disque-vert"]            	= {1,1,15},
						["étiquette"]              	= {1,1,20},
						["cotte-de-mailles"]		= {1,1,10},
						["houe-diamant"]           	= {1,1,15},
						["plastron-diamant"]       	= {1,1,5},
						["livre-enchanté-alt"]     	= {1,1,10},
					rolls = {1,4},
					items = {
						["lingot-fer"]             = {1,4,10},
						["lingot-or"]              = {1,4,5},
						["pain"]                   = {1,1,20},
						["blé"]                    = {1,4,20},
						["seau"]                   = {1,1,10},
						["redstone"]               = {1,4,15},
						["charbon"]                = {1,4,15},
						["graines-pastèque"]       = {2,4,10},
						["graines-citrouille"]     = {2,4,10},
						["graines-betterave"]      = {2,4,10},
					rolls = {3,3},
					items = {
						["os"]                     = {1,8,10},
						["poudre-canon"]           = {1,8,10},
						["chair-putréfiée"]        = {1,8,10},
						["ficelle"]                = {1,8,10},
			poolsDev = {}

	-- these values are used:
	-- * in place of the keys, when the key is used as a parameter
	-- chest-param -> internally-valid-chest-param
	synonyms = {
		["jungle"] = "temple-jungle",
		["pyramide"] = "temple-désert",
		["nether"] = "forteresse-nether",
		["forteresse"] = "forteresse-nether",
		["armurerie"] = "village-armurerie",
		["boucherie"] = "village-boucherie",
		["cartographe"] = "village-cartographe",
		["maçon"] = "village-maçon",
		["bergerie"] = "village-bergerie",
		["tannerie"] = "village-tannerie",
		["forgeron-armes"] = "village-forgeron-armes",
		["forgeron-outils"]     = "village-forgeron-outils",
		["désert"] = "village-désert",
		["plaine"] = "village-plaine",
		["savane"] = "village-savane",
		["toundra"] = "village-toundra",
		["taïga"] = "village-taïga",
		["2-pièces"] = "village-maison-2-pièces",
		["autel"] = "autel-fort",
		["entrepôt"] = "entrepôt-fort",
		["bibliothèque"] = "bibliothèque-fort",
		["écuries-hoglin"] = "bastion-écuries-hoglin",
		["bastion-autre"] = "bastion"

	-- these values are used:
	-- * in the header-description of a table showing only a single chest
	-- * if the key is not here, but it is a valid chest parameter,
	--   that header-description will default to use the key string from p.chests,
	--   e.g. "forteresse-nether"
	-- chest-param -> description-string
	display_names = {
		["puits-mine-abandonné"] = "puits de mine abandonné",
		["forteresse-nether"] = "forteresse du Nether",
		["nether"] = "forteresse du Nether",
		["forteresse"] = "forteresse du Nether",
		["armurerie"] = "armurerie de village",
		["boucherie"] = "boucherie de village",
		["cartographe"] = "cartographe de village",
		["maçon"] = "maçon de village",
		["bergerie"] = "bergerie de village",
		["tannerie"] = "tannerie de village",
		["village-temple"] = "temple de village",
		["forgeron-armes"] = "forgeron d'armes de village",
		["forgeron-outils"] = "forgeron d'outils de village",
		["désert"] = "maison de village du desert",
		["plaine"] = "maison de village des plaines",
		["savane"] = "maison de village de la savane",
		["toundra"] = "maison de village de la toundra",
		["taïga"] = "maison de village de la taïga",
		["2-pièces"] = "maison 2 pièces de village",
		["jungle"] = "temple de la jungle",
		["temple-désert"] = "pyramide",
		["temple-jungle"] = "temple de la jungle",
		["distributeur-temple-jungle"] = "temple de la jungle",
		["autel-fort"] = "autel",
		["bibliothèque-fort"] = "bibliothèque",
		["entrepôt-fort"] = "entrepôt",
		["cité-end"] = "cité de l\'End",
		["bastion-pont"] = "pont de vestiges de bastion",
		["bastion-écuries-hoglin"] = "écuries de Hoglin",
		["bastion-autre"] =      "bastion",
		["bastion-trésor"] = "salle au trésor de vestiges de bastion"
	-- these descriptions are used:
	-- * in column <abbr> titles,
	-- * and above the table when only a single column-type is chosen
	columns = {
		["taillepiles"] = "la taille des piles d&apos;objets (ou le nombre d&apos;objets pas empilables) pouvant être trouvées dans ce coffre. Une pile est un &quot;stack&quot; en anglais.",
		["poids"] = "le poids relatif de cet objet par rapport aux autres objets du groupe.",
	    ["probabilité"] = "la probabilité d&apos;obtenir l&apos;un de ces objets dans le coffre.",
		["objets"] = "le nombre d&apos;objets espérés par coffre (moyenne pour un grand nombre de coffres).",
		["coffres"] = "le nombre moyen de coffres à ouvrir pour espérer trouver l&apos;un de ces objets."
	current_frame = nil

p.base = function( ... )

	p.current_frame = mw.getCurrentFrame()

	local args = { ... }
	if args[1] == p.current_frame then 
		args = require( 'Module:ProcessArgs' ).merge( true )
		args = args[1]
	-- transform args into usable list
	local chests, columns = q.massage_args( args )
	if #chests == 0 then
		return "<span class='error'>Module:CoffreRécompenses : arguments invalides</span>"

	q.fill_in_chest_derivative_data( chests )
	-- construct an ordered list dictating the order of the rows
	local ordered_item_rows, ordered_item_rows_dev

	local ret = {}
	if args.dev and args.dev ~= '0' then
		local ordered_item_rows = q.construct_ordered_item_rows( chests, 'Dev' )
		if q.tablelength( ordered_item_rows ) > 0 then
			table.insert( ret, q.print_table( chests, columns, ordered_item_rows, 'Dev' ) )
		local ordered_item_rows = q.construct_ordered_item_rows( chests, '' )
		local ordered_item_rows_dev = q.construct_ordered_item_rows( chests, 'Dev' )

		if q.tablelength( ordered_item_rows ) > 0 then
			table.insert( ret, q.print_table( chests, columns, ordered_item_rows, '' ) )
		if q.tablelength( ordered_item_rows_dev ) > 0 and q.compare_tables( ordered_item_rows, ordered_item_rows_dev ) then
			table.insert( ret, p.current_frame:preprocess( p.dev ) .. q.lcfirst( q.print_table( chests, columns, ordered_item_rows_dev, 'Dev' ) ) )

	return table.concat( ret, '\n\n' )

p.doc = function()

	local valid_args = {}
	for chest_name, val in pairs(p.chests) do
		local synonyms = {}
		for syn, orig in pairs(p.synonyms) do
			if orig == chest_name then
				table.insert( synonyms, syn )
		if #synonyms > 0 then
			chest_name = chest_name .. " ( " .. table.concat( synonyms, ", " ) .. " )"
		table.insert( valid_args, chest_name )
	table.sort( valid_args )
	return table.concat( valid_args, ",\n<br>" )


p.doc2 = function()

	local valid_args = {}
	for column_name, val in pairs(p.columns) do
		table.insert( valid_args, column_name .. ": " .. val )
	table.sort( valid_args )
	return table.concat( valid_args, ",\n<br>" )


p.doc3 = function()

	local valid_args = {}
	for item_name, val in pairs(p.items) do
		table.insert( valid_args, item_name )
	table.sort( valid_args )
	return table.concat( valid_args, ", " )


p.base2 = function( ... )

	p.current_frame = mw.getCurrentFrame()

	local args = { ... }
	if args[1] == p.current_frame then 
		args = require( 'Module:ProcessArgs' ).merge( true )
		args = args[1]
	local z = args[1]
	local rC = {}
	local rDC = {}
	local rErr = ""
	local zT = {}
	if args[1] == "!!!TOUS!!!" then
		for item_name, v in pairs( p.items ) do
			table.insert( zT, item_name )
			table.sort( zT )
		zT = mw.text.split( args[1], ',' )
	local bandeau_java = ""
	local bandeau_java_dev = ""
	local bandeau_bedrock = ""
	local bandeau_bedrock_dev = ""
	for x, itemname in pairs( zT ) do
		if p.items[itemname] == nil then
			rErr = rErr .. "<span class='error'>Objet " .. itemname .. " inconnu</span>\n"
			local javachances, javadevChances, bedrockChances, bedrockdevChances
			javachances = q.single_item_find_values( itemname, 'pools' )
			javadevChances = q.single_item_find_values( itemname, 'poolsDev' )
			if q.tablelength( javachances ) > 0 then
				bandeau_java = '|-\n!colspan=5|'..p.java
				table.insert( rC, p.base2_sub( itemname, javachances ) )
			if q.tablelength( javadevChances ) > 0 and q.compare_tables( javachances, javadevChances ) then
				bandeau_java_dev = '|-\n!colspan=5|'..p.java_dev
				table.insert( rDC, p.base2_sub( itemname, javadevChances ) )
	return rErr .. '{| class="wikitable sortable" \n! Objet \n! Structure \n! Conteneur \n! Quantité \n! Chance \n' .. bandeau_java .. table.concat( rC ) .. bandeau_java_dev .. table.concat( rDC ) .. '|}' .. p.current_frame:extensionTag( 'references', "", { group="note" } )

p.base2_sub = function( itemname, chances )
	local html = {}
	local item_display_name = ''
	local output = ""
	lang = mw.getContentLanguage()
	if p.items[itemname].title ~= nil then
		item_display_name = p.items[itemname].title
		item_display_name = string.gsub( itemname, '-', ' ' )
	item_display_name = q.capitalize( item_display_name )

	local listeObjet = {}
	local ns = q.tablelength( chances )
	local s = 0
	local m = 0
	local rn = 0

	for stacksize, chest_details in pairs( chances ) do
		s = s + 1
		local nc = q.tablelength( chest_details )
		local c = 0
		for k, chest in pairs( chest_details ) do
			c = c + 1
			rn = rn + 1
			local r = ""
			r = r .. '|' .. p.chests[chest.chest_name].conteneur  .. '\n|' .. stacksize .. '\n|' .. lang:formatNum( math.floor( chest.chance*1000 + 0.5 ) /10 ) .. ' %' .. '\n'
			if ns ~= s or nc ~= c then
				r = r 
			table.insert( listeObjet , { p.chests[chest.chest_name].structID , p.chests[chest.chest_name].structure, r } )
		m = m + nc
	table.sort( listeObjet, function(a,b) return a[1] < b[1] end )
	local struct = ""
	local t = ""
	local nt = 1
	local ntt = 0
	for v, w  in pairs( listeObjet ) do
		ntt = ntt + 1
		if w[1] ~= struct then
			if t ~= "" then
				output = output .. "|rowspan=" .. nt .. t
			t = "|'''" .. p.current_frame:expandTemplate{ title = 'LienEnv', args = { w[2],  id = w[1] } } .. "'''\n" .. w[3]
			struct = w[1]
			nt = 1
			t = t .. w[3]
			nt = nt + 1
		if ntt == m then
			output = output .. "|rowspan=" .. nt .. t
			t = t .. '|-' .. '\n'

	return "|-\n| rowspan=" .. m .. "|'''" .. p.getItem(itemname, item_display_name) .. "'''\n" .. output

p.getItem = function( itemname, item_display_name )
	local s = ""
	local k = item_display_name
	local link = item_display_name
	local m = itemname
	if p.items[itemname].title ~= nil then
		k = p.items[itemname].title
	if p.items[itemname].link ~= nil then
		link = p.items[itemname].link
	if p.items[itemname].id ~= nil then
		m = p.items[itemname].id
	if p.items[itemname][1] == "objet" then
		s = p.current_frame:expandTemplate{ title = 'LienObjet', args = { link , k , id = m } }
	elseif p.items[itemname][1] == "bloc" then
		s = p.current_frame:expandTemplate{ title = 'LienBloc', args = { link , k , id = m } }
	if p.items[itemname].note ~= nil and p.items[itemname].note ~= "" then
		s = s .. p.current_frame:extensionTag( 'ref', p.notes[p.items[itemname].note], { group='note', name=p.items[itemname].note } )
	return s

q = {

	tablelength = function(T)
		local count = 0
		for _ in pairs(T) do count = count + 1 end
		return count
	single_item_find_values = function( itemname, key )
		local chances = {}

		for chest_name, chest in pairs( p.chests ) do
			local poolchances = {}
			for k, pool in pairs( chest[key] or chest.pools or {} ) do
				local poolitem = pool.items[itemname]
				if poolitem ~= nil then
					local stacksize = poolitem[1]
					if poolitem[1] ~= poolitem[2] then
					stacksize = stacksize .. "-" .. poolitem[2]
				local itemweight = poolitem[3]
				local pool_total_item_weight = 0
				for itemname, item in pairs(pool.items) do
					pool_total_item_weight = pool_total_item_weight + item[3]
				local chance = p.calc_chance_any_of_this_item_per_pool( 
					pool.rolls[1], pool.rolls[2],
					itemweight, pool_total_item_weight )

				if poolchances[stacksize] == nil then
					poolchances[stacksize] = chance
					poolchances[stacksize] = poolchances[stacksize] + (1 - poolchances[stacksize]) * chance
			for stacksize, chance in pairs( poolchances ) do
				if chances[stacksize] == nil then
					chances[stacksize] = {}
				table.insert( chances[stacksize], { ["chance"]=chance, ["chest_name"]=chest_name, ["chest_type"]=( chest.chest_type or "coffre" ) } )

		return chances
	massage_args = function( args )

		-- find what columns to put
		local columns = {}
		for k, _arg in pairs(args) do
			if p.columns[_arg] ~= nil then
				columns[_arg] = true
		if q.tablelength(columns) == 0 then
			for column_name, v in pairs(p.columns) do
				columns[column_name] = true
		-- find what chests to show

		local chests = {}
		for k, _arg in pairs(args) do
			if p.chests[_arg] ~= nil then
				table.insert( chests, _arg )
			elseif p.synonyms[_arg] ~= nil then 
				table.insert( chests, p.synonyms[_arg] )
			if p.display_names[_arg] ~= nil then
				local chestname = _arg
				if p.chests[chestname] == nil then 
					chestname = p.synonyms[_arg]
				p.chests[chestname].display_name = p.display_names[_arg]
		if #chests == 0 then
			for chest_name, chest in pairs(p.chests) do
				local chest_type = ( chest.chest_type or "coffre" )
				if chest_type == "coffre" or chest_type == "wagonnet de stockage" then
					table.insert( chests, chest_name )
		table.sort( chests )
		return chests, columns

	sort_items = function( e1, e2 )
		if e1.chanceany ~= e2.chanceany then return ( e1.chanceany > e2.chanceany ) end
		if e1.avgamount ~= e2.avgamount then return ( e1.avgamount > e2.avgamount ) end
		if e1.material == nil then
			e1.material = 0
			if string.find( e1.itemname, "cuir" ) ~= nil then e1.material = 1 end
			if string.find( e1.itemname, "fer" ) ~= nil then e1.material = 2 end
			if string.find( e1.itemname, "or" ) ~= nil then e1.material = 3 end
			if string.find( e1.itemname, "diamant" ) ~= nil then e1.material = 4 end
			e1.armor = 0
			if string.find( e1.itemname, "casque" ) ~= nil or string.find( e1.itemname, "chapeau" ) ~= nil then e1.armor = 1 end
			if string.find( e1.itemname, "plastron" ) ~= nil or string.find( e1.itemname, "tunique" ) ~= nil then e1.armor = 2 end
			if string.find( e1.itemname, "jambières" ) ~= nil or string.find( e1.itemname, "pantalon" ) ~= nil then e1.armor = 3 end
			if string.find( e1.itemname, "bottes" ) ~= nil then e1.armor = 4 end
		if e2.material == nil then
			e2.material = 0
			if string.find( e2.itemname, "cuir" ) ~= nil then e2.material = 1 end
			if string.find( e2.itemname, "fer" ) ~= nil then e2.material = 2 end
			if string.find( e2.itemname, "or" ) ~= nil then e2.material = 3 end
			if string.find( e2.itemname, "diamant" ) ~= nil then e2.material = 4 end
			e2.armor = 0
			if string.find( e2.itemname, "casque" ) ~= nil or string.find( e2.itemname, "chapeau" ) ~= nil then e2.armor = 1 end
			if string.find( e2.itemname, "plastron" ) ~= nil or string.find( e2.itemname, "tunique" ) ~= nil then e2.armor = 2 end
			if string.find( e2.itemname, "jambières" ) ~= nil or string.find( e2.itemname, "pantalon" ) ~= nil then e2.armor = 3 end
			if string.find( e2.itemname, "bottes" ) ~= nil then e2.armor = 4 end
		if e1.material ~= e2.material then return ( e1.material < e2.material ) end
		if e1.armor ~= e2.armor then return ( e1.armor < e2.armor ) end
		return ( e1.itemname < e2.itemname )
	fill_in_chest_derivative_data = function( chest_names )

		for k, chest_name in pairs(chest_names) do
			local chest = p.chests[chest_name]
			if chest == nil then break end

			chest.allRolls = {}
			chest.itemData = {}
			for k, pool in pairs( chest.pools or {} ) do
				table.insert( chest.allRolls, q.tern( pool.rolls[1] == pool.rolls[2], pool.rolls[1], pool.rolls[1]..' à '..pool.rolls[2] ) )

				local total_weight = 0
				for itemname, item in pairs(pool.items) do
					total_weight = total_weight + item[3]
				pool.totalweight = total_weight

				q.fill_in_chest_item_details( chest.itemData, pool, #chest.allRolls )

			chest.allRollsDev = {}
			chest.itemDataDev = {}
			for k, pool in pairs( chest.poolsDev or chest.pools or {} ) do
				table.insert( chest.allRollsDev, q.tern( pool.rolls[1] == pool.rolls[2], pool.rolls[1], pool.rolls[1]..' à '..pool.rolls[2] ) )

				local total_weight = 0
				for itemname, item in pairs(pool.items) do
					total_weight = total_weight + item[3]
				pool.totalweight = total_weight

				q.fill_in_chest_item_details( chest.itemDataDev, pool, #chest.allRollsDev )

	fill_in_chest_item_details = function( data, pool, ct )
		for item_name, item in pairs(pool.items) do
			if p.items[item_name] then
				local min_stacksize = item[1]
				local max_stacksize = item[2]
				local min_pool_rolls = pool.rolls[1]
				local max_pool_rolls = pool.rolls[2]
				local item_weight = item[3]
				if data[item_name] == nil then
					data[item_name] = {
						avgamount = 0,
						chanceany = 0,
						itemname = item_name,
						sortsize = {},
						sortweight = {},
						sizes = {},
						weights = {},
					for i = 1, ct-1 do
						data[item_name].sortsize[i] = 0
						data[item_name].sortweight[i] = 0
						data[item_name].sizes[i] = '—'
						data[item_name].weights[i] = '—'

				data[item_name].avgamount = data[item_name].avgamount + p.calc_average_amount_this_item_per_pool( 
					min_stacksize, max_stacksize, 
					min_pool_rolls, max_pool_rolls, 
					item_weight, pool.totalweight )
				data[item_name].chanceany = data[item_name].chanceany + (1 - data[item_name].chanceany) * p.calc_chance_any_of_this_item_per_pool(
					min_pool_rolls, max_pool_rolls, 
					item_weight, pool.totalweight )

				data[item_name].sortsize[ct] = ( min_stacksize + max_stacksize ) / 2
				data[item_name].sortweight[ct] = item_weight;
				data[item_name].sizes[ct] = q.tern( min_stacksize == max_stacksize, min_stacksize, min_stacksize .. '–' .. max_stacksize )
				data[item_name].weights[ct] = p.current_frame:expandTemplate{ title = 'fraction', args = { item_weight, pool.totalweight } }

		for item_name, d in pairs(data) do
			if not d.sizes[ct] then
				d.sortsize[ct] = 0
				d.sortweight[ct] = 0
				d.sizes[ct] = '—'
				d.weights[ct] = '—'

	construct_ordered_items_from_first_chest = function( chest_names, suffix )
		local items_from_first_table = {}
		local item_chests = {}
		local item_names_ordered = {}
		for item_name, item in pairs( p.chests[chest_names[1]]['itemData'..suffix] ) do
			table.insert( items_from_first_table, item )
		table.sort( items_from_first_table, q.sort_items )
		for k, item in pairs( items_from_first_table ) do
			table.insert( item_names_ordered, item.itemname )
			item_chests[item.itemname] = true
		return item_names_ordered, item_chests

	get_ordered_items_from_other_chests = function( chest_names, item_chests, suffix )
		local items_not_from_first_table = {}
		for chest_idx = 2, #chest_names do
			for item_name, item in pairs( p.chests[chest_names[chest_idx]]['itemData'..suffix] ) do
				if item_chests[item_name] == nil then
					p.items[item_name].itemname = item_name
					table.insert( items_not_from_first_table, p.chests[chest_names[chest_idx]]['itemData'..suffix][item_name] )
					item_chests[item_name] = true

		table.sort( items_not_from_first_table, q.sort_items )
		return items_not_from_first_table

	add_other_items_to_first_list = function( chest_names, item_names_ordered, item_chests, items_not_from_first_table )
		for k, item in pairs( items_not_from_first_table ) do
			table.insert( item_names_ordered, item.itemname )
		return item_names_ordered

	set_up_ordered_item_rows = function( chest_names, item_names_ordered, suffix )
		for k, itemname in pairs(item_names_ordered) do
			item_names_ordered[k] = {itemname}
			for chest_idx = 1, #chest_names do
				if suffix == 'Dev' or p.chests[chest_names[chest_idx]]['pools'..suffix] ~= nil then
					local item_data = p.chests[chest_names[chest_idx]]['itemData'..suffix][itemname]
					if item_data == nil then
						table.insert( item_names_ordered[k], false )
						table.insert( item_names_ordered[k], item_data )

		return item_names_ordered

	construct_ordered_item_rows = function( chest_names, suffix )
		-- for the first chest, sort its by chance desc, then by avg amount desc, then alphabetically asc
		local item_names_ordered, item_chests = q.construct_ordered_items_from_first_chest( chest_names, suffix )
		if #chest_names > 1 then
			-- after that, sort all the remaining items in list order
			local items_not_from_first_table = q.get_ordered_items_from_other_chests( chest_names, item_chests, suffix )
			item_names_ordered = q.add_other_items_to_first_list( chest_names, item_names_ordered, item_chests, items_not_from_first_table )

		-- set up item_names_ordered so that each is a row, representing chest values
		item_names_ordered = q.set_up_ordered_item_rows( chest_names, item_names_ordered, suffix )
		return item_names_ordered

	print_table = function( chest_names, columns, ordered_item_rows, suffix )

		local html = {}
		local use_roll_row = false
		local use_superheader = false
		local superheader_sizes = {}
		for i = 1, #chest_names do
			sh = p.chests[chest_names[i]].superheader
			if sh ~= nil then
				if superheader_sizes[sh] == nil then
					superheader_sizes[sh] = 0
				superheader_sizes[sh] = superheader_sizes[sh] + 1
				use_superheader = true
			local allRolls = p.chests[chest_names[i]]['allRolls'..suffix]
			if #allRolls > 1 then
				use_roll_row = true
		if columns['taillepiles'] == nil and columns['poids'] == nil then
			use_roll_row = false
		local rowspan = ( 1 + q.tern( #chest_names > 1, 1, 0 ) + q.tern( use_superheader, 1, 0 ) )
		local hide_col_description = rowspan > 1 and q.tablelength(columns) == 1
		if use_roll_row then
			rowspan = rowspan + 1
		if q.tablelength(columns) == 1 then
			for column_name, v in pairs(columns) do
				table.insert( html, "Les valeurs représentent " )
				table.insert( html, p.columns[column_name] )
				table.insert( html, "\n" )

		if #chest_names == 1 then
			if q.tablelength(columns) == 1 then
				table.insert( html, "<br>" )
			local chest_name = chest_names[1]
			local allRolls = p.chests[chest_name]['allRolls'..suffix]
			local chest_type = p.chests[chest_name].chest_type or "coffre"

			local display_name = p.chests[chest_name].display_name

			chest_name = chest_name:gsub( "-", " " )
			table.insert( html, "Chaque coffre " )
			if string.find(mw.ustring.lower(chest_name), 'bonus') == nil then -- "coffre bonus", pas "coffre de bonus"
				if string.find(mw.ustring.lower(chest_name), '^[aeiouyéÉ]') ~= nil then -- "coffre d'entrepôt", pas "coffre de entrepôt"
					table.insert( html, "d'" )
					table.insert( html, "de " )
			table.insert( html, display_name or chest_name )
			table.insert( html, " contient " )
			if #allRolls == 1 then
				table.insert( html, allRolls[1] )
				table.insert( html, #allRolls )
				table.insert( html, ' groupes de ' )
				local s = q.tern( #allRolls > 2, ', ', ' ' )
				for i = 1, #allRolls-1 do
					table.insert( html, allRolls[i] )
					table.insert( html, s )
				table.insert( html, 'et ' )
				table.insert( html, allRolls[#allRolls] )
			table.insert( html, " piles d'objets, avec la répartition suivante : \n" )
		table.insert( html, '<div style="overflow:auto">\n' )
		table.insert( html, "<table class='wikitable sortable jquery-tablesorter'>\n" )
		table.insert( html, "<tr>\n" )
		table.insert( html, "<th rowspan=" )
		table.insert( html, ( rowspan - q.tern( hide_col_description, 1, 0 ) ) )
		table.insert( html, "></th>\n" )
		local superheader_cols_used = {}
		if #chest_names > 1 then
			local row1, row2 = {}, {}

			for i = 1, #chest_names do
				if suffix == 'Dev' or p.chests[chest_names[i]]['pools'..suffix] ~= nil then
					local allRolls = p.chests[chest_names[i]]['allRolls'..suffix]
					local colspan = q.tablelength(columns)
					local allRollsSpan = #allRolls == 0 and 1 or #allRolls
					if columns['taillepiles'] ~= nil then
						colspan = colspan - 1 + allRollsSpan
					if columns['poids'] ~= nil then
						colspan = colspan - 1 + allRollsSpan
					local row = row1
					rowspan = 1
					if use_superheader then
						sh = p.chests[chest_names[i]].superheader
						if sh ~= nil then
							if superheader_cols_used[sh] == nil then
								table.insert( row, "<th colspan=" )
								table.insert( row, ( colspan * superheader_sizes[sh] ) )
								table.insert( row, ">" )
								table.insert( row, sh )
								table.insert( row, "</th>\n" )
								superheader_cols_used[sh] = 0
							row = row2
							rowspan = rowspan + 1
					if use_roll_row and hide_col_description and #allRolls < 2 then
						rowspan = rowspan + 1

					table.insert( row, "<th colspan=" )
					table.insert( row, colspan )
					if rowspan > 1 then
						table.insert( row, " rowspan=" )
						table.insert( row, rowspan )
					table.insert( row, ">" )
					table.insert( row, p.chests[ chest_names[i] ].header )
					if #allRolls > 0 then
						table.insert( row, ' <br><span style="font-weight:normal; font-style:italic; font-size:11px;">(' )
						if #allRolls == 1 then
							table.insert( row, allRolls[1] )
							local s = q.tern( #allRolls > 2, ', ', ' ' )
							for i = 1, #allRolls-1 do
								table.insert( row, allRolls[i] )
								table.insert( row, s )
							table.insert( row, 'et ' )
							table.insert( row, allRolls[#allRolls] )
						table.insert( row, ' piles)</span>' )
					table.insert( row, "</th>\n" )
			table.insert( html, table.concat( row1 ) )
			table.insert( html, "</tr><tr>\n" )
			if #row2 then
				table.insert( html, table.concat( row2 ) )
				table.insert( html, "</tr><tr>\n" )

		if not hide_col_description then
			local headersort_th_open
			if use_roll_row then
				headersort_th_open = "<th rowspan='2' class='headersort' role='columnheader button' data-sort-type='number'> <abbr title='"
				headersort_th_open = "<th class='headersort' role='columnheader button' data-sort-type='number'> <abbr title='"
			for i = 1, #chest_names do
				if suffix == 'Dev' or p.chests[chest_names[i]]['pools'..suffix] ~= nil then
					local allRolls = p.chests[chest_names[i]]['allRolls'..suffix]
					local allRollsSpan = #allRolls == 0 and 1 or #allRolls
					local headersort_th_colspan_open
					if #allRolls > 1 then
						headersort_th_colspan_open = "<th colspan='" .. allRollsSpan .. "' role='columnheader'> <abbr title='"
						headersort_th_colspan_open = headersort_th_open

				if columns['taillepiles'] ~= nil then
					table.insert( html, headersort_th_colspan_open )
					table.insert( html, p.columns['taillepiles'] )
					table.insert( html, "'> Taille des piles </abbr></th>\n" )
				if columns['poids'] ~= nil then
					table.insert( html, headersort_th_colspan_open )
					table.insert( html, p.columns['poids'] )
					table.insert( html, "'> Poids" )
					table.insert( html, "</abbr></th>\n" )
				if columns['objets'] ~= nil then
					table.insert( html, headersort_th_open )
					table.insert( html, p.columns['objets'] )
					table.insert( html, "'> Nb. d'objets </abbr></th>\n" )
				if columns['probabilité'] ~= nil then
					table.insert( html, headersort_th_open )
					table.insert( html, p.columns['probabilité'] )
					table.insert( html, "'> Probabilité </abbr></th>\n" )
				if columns['coffres'] ~= nil then
					table.insert( html, headersort_th_open )
					table.insert( html, p.columns['coffres'] )
					table.insert( html, "'> Nb. de coffres à ouvrir </abbr></th>\n" )
			table.insert( html, "</tr><tr>\n" )
		if use_roll_row then
			local rowcols = ( columns['taillepiles'] ~= nil and 1 or 0 ) + ( columns['poids'] ~= nil and 1 or 0 )
			for i = 1, #chest_names do
				local allRolls = p.chests[chest_names[i]]['allRolls'..suffix]
				if #allRolls > 1 then
					for j = 1, rowcols do
						for k = 1, #allRolls do
							table.insert( html, "<th class='headersort' role='columnheader button' data-sort-type='number' style='font-weight:normal'>" )
							table.insert( html, allRolls[k] )
							table.insert( html, "×</th>\n" )
			table.insert( html, "</tr><tr>\n" )

		for i = 1, #ordered_item_rows do
			if type( ordered_item_rows[i] ) == "table" then
				for j = 1, #ordered_item_rows[i] do

					local chest_item = ordered_item_rows[i][j]
					if type( chest_item ) == "table" then
						local avg_amount = string.format("%.3f", chest_item.avgamount)
						local chance_any = string.format("%.1f", chest_item.chanceany*100) .. " %"
						local num_chests = string.format("%.1f", 1/chest_item.chanceany)
						table.insert( html, "\n" )
						if columns['taillepiles'] ~= nil then
							for k = 1, #chest_item.sizes do
								table.insert( html, "<td style='text-align:center;' data-sort-value='" )
								table.insert( html, chest_item.sortsize[k] )
								table.insert( html, "'>" )
								table.insert( html, chest_item.sizes[k] )
								table.insert( html, "</td>" )
						if columns['poids'] ~= nil then
							for k = 1, #chest_item.sizes do
								table.insert( html, "<td style='text-align:center;' data-sort-value='" )
								table.insert( html, chest_item.sortweight[k] )
								table.insert( html, "'>" )
								table.insert( html, chest_item.weights[k] )
								table.insert( html, "</td>" )
						if columns['objets'] ~= nil then
							table.insert( html, "<td style='text-align:center;'>" )
							table.insert( html, avg_amount )
							table.insert( html, "</td>" )
						if columns['probabilité'] ~= nil then
							table.insert( html, "<td style='text-align:right;'>" )
							table.insert( html, chance_any )
							table.insert( html, "</td>" )
						if columns['coffres'] ~= nil then
							table.insert( html, "<td style='text-align:right;'>" )
							table.insert( html, num_chests )
							table.insert( html, "</td>" )
					elseif type( chest_item ) == "boolean" then
						local allRolls = p.chests[chest_names[j-1]]['allRolls'..suffix]
						local allRollsSpan = #allRolls == 0 and 1 or #allRolls

						table.insert( html, "\n" )
						if columns['taillepiles'] ~= nil then
							for k = 1, allRollsSpan do
								table.insert( html, "<td data-sort-value='0' style='text-align:center;'>—</td>" )
						if columns['poids'] ~= nil then
							for k = 1, allRollsSpan do
								table.insert( html, "<td data-sort-value='0' style='text-align:center;'>—</td>" )
						if columns['objets'] ~= nil then
							table.insert( html, "<td data-sort-value='0' style='text-align:center;'>—</td>" )
						if columns['probabilité'] ~= nil then
							table.insert( html, "<td data-sort-value='0' style='text-align:right;'>—</td>" )
						if columns['coffres'] ~= nil then
							table.insert( html, "<td data-sort-value='9e99' style='text-align:right;'>—</td>" )
						if i > 1 then
							table.insert( html, "</tr><tr>" )
						local item = p.items[chest_item]
						local s = require( 'Module:Sprite' )
						table.insert( html, "\n<td>" )
						local image, spriteCat = s.link{ 
							id=item.id or chest_item, 
							link=item.link or item.title or string.gsub(chest_item,'-',' '),
							text=q.capitalize(item.title or string.gsub(chest_item,'-',' ')),
							data= q.tern( item[1] == 'objet', 'ObjetSprite', 'BlocSprite' )
						table.insert( html, image )
						table.insert( html, spriteCat )
						if item.note and p.notes[item.note] then
							table.insert( html, p.current_frame:extensionTag( 'ref', p.notes[item.note], { group='note', name=item.note } ) )
						table.insert( html, "</td>" )
					if j == #ordered_item_rows[i] then
						table.insert( html, "</tr>" )
				table.insert( html, "\n" )
		table.insert( html, "</table></div>" )
		return table.concat( html )
	titlecase = function( str )
		local buf = {}
		for word in string.gfind(str, "%S+") do
			if word == "et" then
				table.insert( buf, word )
				local first, rest = string.sub( word, 1, 1 ), string.sub( word, 2 )
				table.insert( buf, mw.ustring.upper(first) .. mw.ustring.lower(rest) )
		return table.concat( buf, " " )
	capitalize = function( str )
		return ( str:gsub( "^%l", mw.ustring.upper ):gsub( "^é", "É" ) )
	lcfirst = function( str )
		return ( string.gsub( str, "^%u", string.lower ) )

	tern = function( cond , T , F )
		if cond then return T else return F end

	compare_tables = function( a, b )
		local seen = {}
		for k, v in pairs( a ) do
			if type( v ) ~= type( b[k] ) then
				return true
			if v ~= b[k] then
				return true
			if type( v ) == 'table' and q.compare_tables( v, b[k] ) then
				return true
			seen[k] = true
		for k, v in pairs( b ) do
			if not seen[k] then
				return true
		return false

string.lpad = function(str, len, char)
	if char == nil then char = ' ' end
	return string.rep(char, len - #(''..str)) .. str

return p